- Installation
$ composer require neto737/hestiacp-api
- Create Client
a) Easy way
use neto737\HestiaCP\Client;
// Easy way to create Client
// Using API Key
$client = Client::simpleFactory('https://someHost', 'API_Key');
// Using username and password
$client = Client::simpleFactory('https://someHost', 'someUser', 'somePass');
b) For some reasons (more hosts, etc) you may need create objects alone
use neto737\HestiaCP\Client;
use neto737\HestiaCP\Authorization\Credentials;
use neto737\HestiaCP\Authorization\Host;
// You can choose to use an API Key or username and password
// API Key
$credentials = new Credentials('API_Key');
// Username and Password
$credentials = new Credentials('someUser', 'somePassword');
$host = new Host('https://someHost', $credentials);
$client = new Client($host);
- Usage
// verify login
$client->testAuthorization(); // bool
You can simply send one of prepared commands (or you can write own command - must implements \neto737\HestiaCP\Command\ICommand
$command = new SomeCommand();
$response = $client->send($command);
echo $response->getResponseText();
Or you can use prepared modules
a) user module
$userModule = $client->getModuleUser();
$userModule->list(); // returns all users with data
$userModule->detail('admin'); // returns selected user with data
$userModule->changePassword('admin', 'otherPa$$word');
$userModule->add('other_user', 'pa$$word', 'some@email.com');
b) web module
$webModule = $client->getModuleWeb('admin'); // web module needs user
$webModule->addDomainLetsEncrypt('domain.com', 'www.domain.com'); // needs longer timeout
$webModule->addDomainFtp('domain.com', 'test', 'pa$$word');
$webModule->changeDomainFtpPassword('domain.com', 'admin_test', 'otherPa$$word');
$webModule->changeDomainFtpPath('domain.com', 'admin_test', 'path/other');
$webModule->deleteDomainFtp('domain.com', 'admin_test');
c) mail module
$mailModule = $client->getModuleMail('admin'); // mail module needs user
$mailModule->listDomains(); // returns mail domains from selected user
$mailModule->addDomain('domain.com'); // add domain
$mailModule->listAccounts('domain.com'); // returns accounts from selected user and domain
$mailModule->addAccount('domain.com', 'info', 'pa$$word'); // add info@domain.com account
$mailModule->changeAccountPassword('domain.com', 'info', 'otherPa$$word'); // change info@domain.com password
$mailModule->suspendAccount('domain.com', 'info'); // suspend info@domain.com account
$mailModule->unsuspendAccount('domain.com', 'info'); // unsuspend info@domain.com account
$mailModule->deleteAccount('domain.com', 'info');
d) db module
$dbModule = $client->getModuleDatabase('admin');
$dbModule->add('database', 'dbuser', 'dbpass');
// todo
// ... etc
e) cron module
$cronModule = $client->getModuleCron();
// todo
// ... etc
f) backup module
$backupModule = $client->getModuleBackup('admin'); // backup module needs user
$backupModule->backup(); // create a new backup
$backupModule->delete('admin.2021-10-13_18-12-53.tar'); // delete an user backup
$backupModule->deleteExclusions(); // delete all backup exclusions
$backupModule->listBackups(); // returns the backups list
$backupModule->listBackup('admin.2021-10-13_18-12-53.tar'); // returns backup parameters list
$backupModule->listBackupExclusions(); // returns the backup exclusions list
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