Note: This package has been deprecated and moved into the core CLI.
netlify-cli's @oclif/command baseclass.
Provides a unified way to load and persist global and site level cli config and authenticated api. Also allows commands to program against a consistent base-class api to enable changes down the road.
const Command = require('@netlify/cli-utils')
class OpenCommand extends Command {
async run() {
await this.authenticate()
const api = this.netlify.api
// authenticated api
OpenCommand.description = `A description`
OpenCommand.examples = [
'netlify open:admin',
'netlify open:site'
OpenCommand.hidden = true
module.exports = OpenCommand
Import the the base class and extend it, the same way you do with @oclif/command
Commands that extend this base class get access to the same api as @oclif/command
plus a few extra properties:
Provides access to configuration stored in the users home folder under ~/.netlify
See global-config.
Provides access to site-level state relative to the process.cwd
. (e.g. project/.netlify/config.json
See site-config
An instance of the netlify
api client. If access tokens are found in global config, then this client will automatically be authenticated.
get current site context including root, configPath, and id (with getter and setter).
Get the configuration from netlify.[toml/yml]
A method that will log the user in if they are not already logged in. If the user is already logged in, this is a noop.