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Verigraph is a tool for automatically checking network graphs containing dynamic network middleboxes.


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Verigraph is a tool for verifying policies within network graphs. It supports graphs descriptions provided in a custom JSON format, or in TOSCA OASIS YAML/XML-based descriptions. Verigraph provides a RESTful and a gRPC interface, and can also be deployed on Docker containers. For convenience a Command Line Interface is provided for interacting with the Verigraph service in all of its declinations. In the following section some informations are provided on how to deploy Verigraph on Apache Tomcat, but it's useful to read some parts of it even if you are only interested in other aspects of the project.

Links to other sections of the documentation:

How to deploy Verigraph on Apache Tomcat:


  • install jdk1.8.X YY(;
  • set JAVA HOME environment variable to where you installed the jdk (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.XYY);
  • install Apache Tomcat 8 (;
  • set CATALINA HOME ambient variable to the directory where you installed Apache (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.0.30);
  • (optional) configure Tomcat Manager:
  • open the file %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\tomcat-users.xml
  • under the tomcat-users tag place, initialize an user with roles "tomcat, manager-gui, manager-script". An example is the following content: xml <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  • edit the "to_be_defined" fields in tomcat-build.xml with the before defined credentials;
  • execute the generate-war ant task in order to generate the .war;
  • launch Tomcat 8 with the startup script %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat or by the start-tomcat task ant;
  • (optional) if you previously configured Tomcat Manager you can open a browser and navigate to this link and login using the proper username and password (e.g., tomcat/tomcat in the previous example);
  • (optional) you can deploy/undeploy/redeploy the downloaded WARs through the web interface.

Ant script

Edit the "to_be_defined" fields of the tomcat-build.xml. with the username and password previously configured in Tomcat(e.g. name="tomcatUsername" value="tomcat" and name="tomcatPassword" value="tomcat" the values set in 'tomcat-users'). Set server.location property to the directory where you installed Apache (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.0.30);

Verigraph target:

  • generate-war: it generates the war file;
  • generate-binding: it generates the JAXB classes from xml_components schema;
  • start-tomcat : it starts the Apache Tomcat;
  • deployWS: it deploys the verigraph.war file contained in verigraph/war folder;
  • startWS: it starts the webservice;
  • run-test: it runs the tests in tester folder. It is possible to choose the iterations number for each verification request by launching the test with "-Diteration=n run-test" where n is the number of iterations you want;
  • stopWS: it stops the webservice;
  • undeployWS: it undeploys the webservice from Apache Tomcat;
  • stop-tomcat: it stops Apache Tomcat.


  • install jdk1.8.X_YY from the command line:
  • go to this link to check the appropriate version for you OS and architecture
  • copy the desired version to the clipboard (e.g.
  • open a terminal windows and paste the following command (replace link with the previously copied link): wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" 'link' e.g. wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
  • untar the archive with the following command (replace 'jdk' to match the name of the downloaded archive): tar zxvf 'jdk'.tar.gz e.g. tar zxvf jdk-7u<version>-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • delete the .tar.gz file if you want to save disk space
  • install and configure Apache Tomcat 8 with the following commands:
  • go to this URL and see what the latest available version is
  • download the archive (substitute every occurrence of '8.0.32' in the following command with the latest available version): wget
  • extract downloaded archive: tar xvf apache-tomcat-8.0.32.tar.gz
  • edit configuration: nano ./apache-tomcat-8.0.32/conf/tomcat-users.xml
  • under the tomcat-users tag place, initialize an user with roles "tomcat, manager-gui, manager-script". An example is the following content: xml <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/> </tomcat-users>
  • set a few environment variables: sudo nano ~/.bashrc
  • paste the following content at the end of the file export CATALINA_HOME='/path/to/apache/tomcat/folder' e.g. export CATALINA_HOME=/home/mininet/apache-tomcat-8.0.33 export JRE_HOME='/path/to/jdk/folder' e.g. export JRE_HOME=/home/mininet/jdk1.8.0_92/jre export JDK_HOME='/path/to/jdk/folder' e.g. export JDK_HOME=/home/mininet/jdk1.8.0_92
  • exec bash
  • edit the "to_be_defined" fields of the tomcat-build.xml. with the username and password previously configured in Tomcat(e.g. name="tomcatUsername" value="tomcat" and name="tomcatPassword" value="tomcat" the values set in 'tomcat-users'). Set server.location property to the directory where you installed Apache (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.0.30);
  • execute the generate-war ant task in order to generate the .war;
  • launch Tomcat 8 with the startup script $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ or with start-tomcat ant tast
  • open a browser and navigate to this link and login using tomcat/tomcat as username/password
  • you can deploy/undeploy/redeploy the downloaded WARs through the web interface


  • clone project onto your hard drive with this command: git clone
  • Download Apache Tomcat 8 (see instructions above for Windows and Unix)
  • Download JDK (see instructions above for Windows and Unix)
  • Configure runtime environment in Eclipse with the following instructions
  • Add new Tomcat server on port 8080
  • Configure Tomcat server:
    • double-click on the newly created server in the Servers tab
    • make sure under Server Locations Use Tomcat installation is selected
  • Run the server
  • edit the "to_be_defined" fields of the tomcat-build.xml. with the username and password previously configured in Tomcat(e.g. name="tomcatUsername" value="tomcat" and name="tomcatPassword" value="tomcat" the values set in 'tomcat-users'). Set server.location property to the directory where you installed Apache (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.0.30);
  • execute the generate-war ant task in order to generate the .war;

How to add you own function ``<type>``

  1. under the the it.polito.verigraph.mcnet.netobjs package create a new class <Type>.java, where <type> is the desired function name (i.e. <type> will be added to the supported node functional types) which extends NetworkObject and implement the desired logic
  2. under /verigraph/jsonschema/ create a file <type>.json. This file represents a JSON schema (see here the official documentation). For compatibility with the other functions it is mandatory to support an array as the root of the configuration, but feel free to specify all the other constraints as needed. A sample of <type>.json to describe an empty configuration could be the following:

json { "$schema": "", "title": "Type", "description": "This is a generic type", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" }, "minItems": 0, "maxItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true }

  1. in the package it.polito.verigraph.validation create a new class file named <Type> (please pay attention to the naming convention here: <Type> is the function type used in the previous step capitalized, followed by the suffix Validator) which implements ValidationInterface. This class represents a custom validator for the newly introduced type and allows for more complex constraints, which is not possible to express through a JSON schema file. The validate method that has to be implemented is given the following objects:
  • Graph graph represents the nffg that the object node belongs to;
  • Node node represents the node that the object configuration belongs to;
  • Configuration configuration represents the parsed configuration. It is sufficient to call the method getConfiguration on the configuration object to get a JsonNode (Jackson's class) and iterate over the various fields. In case a configuration is not valid please throw a new ValidationException passing a descriptive failure message. Adding a custom validator is not strictly necessary whenever a JSON schema is thought to be sufficient. Note though that, other than the mandatory validation against a schema, whenever a custom validator is not found a default validation is triggered, i.e. the value of every JSON property must refer to the name of an existing node in the working graph/nffg. If this is not the desired behavior it is suggested to write a custom validator with looser constraints.
  1. edit the xml_component schema file in order to add the new element in the neo4j database;
  2. execute generate-binding in order to regenerate the it.polito.neo4j.jaxb classes;
  3. Insert the serialization logic for the new element type configuration in setCofiguration() method in GraphToNeo4j class of the it.polito.translator.jaxb package;
  4. Insert the deserialization logic for the new element type configuration in setCofiguration() method in Neo4jToGraph class of the it.polito.neo4j.translator package;
  5. Insert the new element in the switch case of setConfiguration() method of Scenario class in it.polito.verigraph.solver package in order to add the configurations element to the Scenario. This method retrieves the configuration values of the element in order to make the configureDevices() in GenSolver class. The configurations have to be stored into the config array or config obj data structures. The former is used in the case of a list of values as element configuration (e.g. a dpi has a list of not allowed word); the latter, in the case of a pair of values, represents a single configuration value (e.g. a firewall has a pair destination, source as configuration);
  6. Insert the creation of the new element in an else if of setDevice() of GenSolver class and put into mo data structure the name of the new element and the element itself (e.g. mo.put(host1, endhost));
  7. Insert the condition for the installation of the new object created in it.polito.verigraph.mcnet.netobj using the data structure where you put the configurations of the element (config array or config obj);
  8. Restart the web service.


  • The neo4j embedded version must be greater or equal to 3.1.3 as specified in pom.xml file. The previous versions could not work correctly with Apache Tomcat because of a bug;
  • The location of the database can be edited by the neo4jDeploymentFolder field of Neo4jLibrary class in it.polito.neo4j.manager;
  • The ant task "init" downloads the com.mirosoft.z3 library, if you want to change the version of the library, modify the url in the task with the right version. Note that the versions earlier than 4.5 cannot work properly.

In order to run the automatic testing script, you need the following dependencies installed on your python distribution: - "requests" python package -> - "jsonschema" python package ->

IMPORTANT - If you have multiple versions of Python installed on your machine, check carefully that the version you are actually using when running the script, has the required packages installed. Requested version is Python 3+

HINT - to install a package you can raise the following command (Bash on Linux or DOS shell on Windows): python -m pip install jsonschema python -m pip install requests

Tested on PYTHON 3.4.3

To add a new test, just put a new .json file inside the testcases folder. The corresponding JSON schema is in the testcase_schema.json file and some examples are already available. Each json file should specify: - id, an integer for the testcase; - name, the name for the testcase; - description, an optional description; - policy_url_parameters, the parameters to be appended after the verification URL (including the '?' character), it is an array. - results, the expected verification results, it is an array; - graph, the graph to be tested (the same object that you usually POST to VeriGraph to create a new graph).

In case of multiple policy_url_parameters and results: "policy_url_parameters":[ "?type=reachability&source=sap1&destination=webserver1", "?type=reachability&source=sap3&destination=webserver1" ], "results":[ "SAT", "SAT" ],

The script will test each .json file contained into the testcases folder and will provide a complete output. The result.csv contains the verification results in the following way (column):

-source_node; -destination_node; -graph_id; -testcase_id; -result (FAIL in case of test failed); -the execution time for each execution of the verification.

It is possible to do several verification for each request in the policy_url_paramters. You have to launch the ant run-test with "-Diteration=n run-test" or by commandline with "testpy -iteration n" where n is the iterations number you want.


Verigraph is a tool for automatically checking network graphs containing dynamic network middleboxes.







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