This is the base Nerves System configuration for the MangoPi MQ Pro.
The MangoPi MQ Pro works well, but there are active updates upstream and here. Backwards incompatible changes may be out of our control.
Feature | Description |
CPU | 1 GHz 64 bit RISC-V |
Memory | 512 MB or 1 GB DRAM |
Storage | MicroSD |
Linux kernel | 6.1 w/ patches |
IEx terminal | UART ttyS0 |
GPIO, I2C, SPI | Yes - Elixir Circuits |
Display | Yes, but not supported yet |
ADC | No |
PWM | 8 channels (4 exposed), but no Elixir support |
UART | ttyS0 |
Camera | Yes, but not supported yet |
Ethernet | No |
WiFi | Onboard WiFi |
RTC | No |
HW Watchdog | Yes |
The most common way of using this Nerves System is create a project with mix
and add mangopi_mq_pro
references where needed and in a similar way
to the default systems like bbb
, etc. Then export MIX_TARGET=mangopi_mq_pro
See the Getting started
for more information.
If you need custom modifications to this system for your device, clone this repository and update as described in Making custom systems.
This example assumes some familiarity with Nerves. To use this system, you'll need OTP 25. Follow the Nerves installation instructions for additional system dependencies.
Creating a new hello world application:
mix hello_mango
cd hello_mango
Open up your mix.exs
and add :mangopi_mq_pro
to the @all_targets
list at
the top. It's ok to delete targets that you don't plan on using.
Then add the :nerves_system_mango_mq_pro
dependency to the deps
{:nerves_system_mangopi_mq_pro, "~> 0.1", runtime: false, targets: :mangopi_mq_pro},
This will load the latest released version. To use the latest code on the main
branch here, add the following line:
{:nerves_system_mangopi_mq_pro, runtime: false, targets: :mangopi_mq_pro, nerves: [compile: true], git: "", branch: "main"}
To build and write to a MicroSD card, run:
export MIX_TARGET=mangopi_mq_pro
mix deps.get
mix firmware
mix burn
The console is configured to output to the UART on pins 8 and 10 on the 40-pin GPIO connector. This is just like the Raspberry Pi. A 3.3V FTDI cable is needed to access the output.
The board has two network interfaces, a WiFi module and a virtual Ethernet on the USB C connector marked "OTG". If virtual Ethernet isn't working for you, try a different USB cable. You're welcome.
The following table is a mapping between the logical GPIO numbers used in software (sysfs, Circuits.GPIO), and the pin numbers on the 20x2 Raspberry Pi header. For example, to control pin 11 you would open a connection to GPIO 117.
{:ok, pin} =, :output)
The comments in the "Note" columns come from the official schematic.
GPIO | Note | Pin | Pin | Note | GPIO |
3v3 | 1 | 2 | Vin | ||
205 | SDA | 3 | 4 | Vin | |
204 | SCL | 5 | 6 | GND | |
39 | MCLK | 7 | 8 | TX0 | 40 |
GND | 9 | 10 | RX0 | 41 | |
117 | TX1 | 11 | 12 | I2S_CLK / PWM0 / Audio | 37 |
118 | RX1 | 13 | 14 | GND | |
32 | PWM3 | 15 | 16 | PWM4 | 33 |
3v3 | 17 | 18 | DC | 110 | |
MOSI | 19 | 20 | GND | ||
MISO | 21 | 22 | RX2 | 65 | |
SCLK | 23 | 24 | CS0 | ||
GND | 25 | 26 | CS1 | 111 | |
145 | SDA | 27 | 28 | SCL | 144 |
42 | 29 | 30 | GND | ||
43 | 31 | 32 | TX2 | 64 | |
44 | 33 | 34 | GND | ||
38 | PWM1 / I2S_FS | 35 | 36 | DI2 | 34 |
113 | 37 | 38 | I2S_DI0 | 35 | |
GND | 39 | 40 | I2S_D0 | 36 |
You can also get the pinout at the IEx prompt by using the pinout library.
- Schematics
- IBOM - Interactive web page to help you find what part is located where
- D1 user manual (PDF, 1390 pages)
The most helpful Allwinner D1 information comes from All of the work here wouldn't have been possible with out it. Thanks especially to smaeul's Allwinner D1 Linux fork
Here are more useful links:
Image credit: This image is from