Multi list warehouse inventory manager with filtering options. Allows to move products between two lists, sort & filter first list and export the result.
This is a technical task provided by LLC "Skuba" at 2023.10.25 for Android Developer position.
- Create main view with two lists.
- Upload given json data into the first list. Display image if url is available.
- Tapping each data item should transfer it between two lists.
- Provide an option to filter & sort shown data.
Additional implementations
- When there is enough width (600dp+) two lists are shown side by side.
- Dark / light mode switch
- Final list export into .txt file and opening with supported external app.
As there was no given design mockup or even wireframe, I've created approximate figma design to better understand app behavior. As app is not too complex, design was also used as a guide to app workflow instead of creating a diagram in
- MVVM architecture pattern
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Koin DI
- Jetpack Compose
- Material design components
This is still project in progress but it already satisfies requirements from 2023.10.28.
- rewrite API error handling
- put names and versions of gradle dependencies into objects