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Auto pair extension for coc.nvim.

Note you can use other vim auto pairs plugins with coc.nvim, it's a simplified implementation to make auto pairs work like in VSCode.

Note b:coc_paires have renamed to b:coc_pairs

For enhanced <CR> experience, checkout :h coc#on_enter().


  • You should disable/remove other auto pair plugins for this extension work as expected.
  • When you type a paired character which is just the next character, it would just move to the right by one column.
  • When the previous content ends with two inserting characters, the characters would just be inserted without inserting the paired character. This makes inserting triple quotes easier.
  • ' only pairs when the character before is not a word character.
  • for < to insert paired >, the previous character should not be an empty space.


In vim/neovim, run this command:

:CocInstall coc-pairs


  • Insert pair characters automatically.
  • Buffer local pairs, ex: autocmd FileType tex let b:coc_pairs = [["$", "$"]]


  • pairs.disableLanguages: A list of languages IDs to disable this extension on Default: []
  • pairs.disableBuftypes: A list of buftypes to disable this extension on Default: []
  • pairs.enableCharacters: Enabled character list for keymap. Default: ["(","[","{","<","'","\"","","【","「","《","『"]`
  • pairs.requireEOLCharacters: Characters should be only paired at end of line. Default: []
  • pairs.alwaysPairCharacters: Characters that should be paired without check for next character. Default: []
  • pairs.enableBackspace: Remap your backspce to delete paired characters when necessary, won't work when already mapped. Default: true

To disable characters for a specified filetypes, you can use b:coc_pairs_disabled, ex:

autocmd FileType markdown let b:coc_pairs_disabled = ['`']
