Models, scenarios and results data bank for water management purposes. This is the model databank django app. Include it in your site. It requires Django 1.5.
- models:
- metadata
- configuration
- distributed file system storage
- regions:
- configurable region properties
- scenarios:
- result metadata
- states
- should be shareable among users
- rights and permissions:
- scenario owners
- model owners
- owners can transfer scenarios and models to other users
- projects:
- wrapping models and scenarios per owner into a project
- various requirements:
- import scenarios and results (?)
- aggregations and aggregated results
- distributed file system (DFS:
- models
- results and states
- aggregated results
- admin
- for scenario and model editing
- adding user and permissions
- admin engine: django, custom
- model storage
- relational (django ORM, SQLAlchemy, own)
- MongoDB
- file-based
- metadata
- metadata in json or xml or nosql (mongodb) or in relational database
- file based: version-control in theory possible