LibRTMP is an open source C# api to connect to an rtmp server. It's mainly geared toward streaming audio, although an event is exposed for video (but not tested)
LibMediaplayer is build upon LibRTMP and exposes an api to build a mediaplayer which uses rtmp to stream the audio to your soundcard. The BASS (audio) library from us4seen was chosen to output the audio, because it's available on many different platforms. Both libraries have been tested under Windows 7, iOS and Android. For iOS an Android Xamarin development enviroment was used.
The code is copyrighted by Stichting Centrale Discotheek Rotterdam, my employer, and licensed under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html). I got permission from my employer to share a large part of the code for all to use. The only part that was removed was rtmpe support.
I wrote this code because the company I work for needed a rtmp library to connect to our streaming server, where we expose all our audio files. After searching on the internet I couldn't find a suitable .net library and was forced to write mine own. We needed something to could be used under windows, iOS en Android. Most of the code is in c#. Visual Studio 2012 is used for windows and the Xamarin enviroment for iOS and Android.
=External Libraries=
Audio: The bass library is used see http://www.un4seen.com/bass.html?
Encyption: the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs is used see http://www.bouncycastle.org/csharp/ We don't claim any copyright on these libraries
=Getting started=
Setting up a rtmp server test enviroment. I will describe a wowza(=streaming server) setup. This it what I used for developing the LibRTMP library, and what we use in production (we run wowza on amazone EC2)
Download wowza (at the time of this writing the latest version is 3.6.2) Goto http://www.wowza.com/pricing/installer en select the windows version direct link http://www.wowza.com/downloads/WowzaMediaServer-3-6-2/WowzaMediaServer-3.6.2.exe
Sign up for a free developer license. You can't use it for production, but for setting up a development enviroment it's great. Goto http://www.wowza.com/media-server/developers/license
Download Java runtime enviroment from http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp
Download some audio files Goto http://freemusicarchive.org/curator/creative_commons eg http://freemusicarchive.org/music/download/fb47aed67f43888e09032d3e26e928a4273daa4d (Comfort_Fit_-03-Sorry.mp3) http://freemusicarchive.org/music/download/b448c9eabb8d1c1f3cb36e5b10bead77f20b061e (Kriss-03-jazz_club.mp3) http://freemusicarchive.org/music/download/0ac9b197bceac21e092c5e67e28df6528cd43614 (Monopole-02-Stereo-vision_radio.mp3) http://freemusicarchive.org/music/download/40b6e8bb15b3224670593fd7b17ecdd0e8cac05e (Paper_Navy-08-_Swan_Song.mp3)
Install the software. 5.1 Begin with the Java enviroment 5.2 Install wowza. I did it in "C:\Wowza" for easy and fast access to the settings files & content 5.3 Copy the four mp3 files to "C:\wowza\content" They are used in the examples.
Edit the file "C:\wowza\bin\startup.bat". Remove or put rem at the start of the line which contains "WowzaInfo.exe" to remove popup.
Start wowza C:\wowza\bin\startup.bat
The rtmp server is accessible at localhost:1935 (use the command "telnet localhost 1935" to test this)
You're now ready with the server part.
The examples and code are for Visual Studio 2012. The exact same code also compiles under xamarin for iOS and Android, projects for this are not included though. I use Project Linker 2012 (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/273dbf44-55a1-4ac6-a1f3-0b9741587b9a) to automatically accomplish this.
Start Visual Studio 2012 and open the Media_Solution.sln file.
It contains 2 libraries:
- LibRTMP.NET.Windows
- LibMediaplayer.Windows
and 2 examples:
- TestMediaPlayer.Console
- TestMediaPlayer.WinForm
If you have setup the test enviroment on the same pc as you compile/run this code, it should run without any problems (otherwise change the url now pointing to localhost:1935 to your own location).
The examples use the 32-bit dll version of bass. This means you must force the compiled version to be x86. If you create a new project don't forget to set the platfrom target to x86, otherwhise you get an error when running your project. development enviroment was used.
=libzplay= The Red5Test example uses the lizplay library to play music, using the "LibRTMP.NET.Windows" See http://libzplay.sourceforge.net/ for more info on libzplay This is a very basic example, I used to test Red5 server and as an example how to use the LibRTMP.NET library.
Initial version
Fix for Red5 media server, vod should work now.
Added demo app Red5Test which plays music using libzplay library (http://libzplay.sourceforge.net/)
Packet sync when paused detected, fixed.
Stabilization fixes.
Lots of other small bug fixes.