A role based acl middleware for Koa
const Rule = { role: 'baduser', action: 'reject' };
module.exports = [
path: '^/apple/',
role: 'auser',
methods: ['get', 'post', 'delete', 'patch'],
action: 'accept'
path: '^/banana/',
role: 'buser',
action: 'accept'
//default reject for others
- path - request path, can be regex, case insensitive, optional, match all paths when not present
- role - request user role, to whom the rule will be performed, case sensitive, optional, match all when not present
- methods - request methods, array, case insensitive, optional, match all when not present
- action - accept/reject, case sensitive, required
const Koa = require('koa');
const Jwt = require('koa-jwt');
const Permission = require('yapmk'):
const acl = requre('./acl');
const app = new Koa();
app.use(Jwt({ secret: 'my jwt secret' }));
const options = {
getRoles: ctx => ctx.state.auth.roleNames,
app.use((ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = "OK";
- getRole - function, get user roles as array, required
- acls - array, the acl rule array
The middleware comes with koa-unless integrated, to exclude role checking for some conditions
app.use(Permission(options).unless({ path: [/^\/public\//] }));
A user authenticating method may be needed to provide valid user roles, koa-jwt can be used here.
Role "admin" has special meaning, which will bypass all acl rule checks, nor can it be blacklisted.