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neilh edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 12 revisions

2021 Sept 0.30.0 [release1 examples\tu_xx01 ]

Testing Release 0.30.0

2021 Apr 0.28.3 [release1 examples\tu_xx01 ]

  • Low Battery monitoring
  • Can use the new "Mayfly Modbus" wingboard KNH002
  • If the "Mayfly Modbus" has STC3100, battery monitoring IC, then this will be polled.
  • Time (local wall time) can be entered from terminal (for easy _EC/standalone time setting)
  • Digital sensors information stored in the uSD standard "log".csv

Test Target mayfly_0.28.3_210408_0946_LT5_lte.hex: Mayfly logger with redundant gauges (LT500 + Keller Acculevel,) reporting over Verizon Digi LTE, 4400mAh LiIon battery and 5W Solar Panel, built from examples\tu_xx01 using ms_cfg.h_LT5_lte configuration.
The hardware consists of Mayfly 0.5b, "Mayfly Modbus" wingboard KNH002rev6, an SDI-12 interface board to Insitu LT500

2021 Feb 0.27.5 [release1 examples\tu_xx01 ]

Results: required a number of bug fixes for the SDI-12 protocol see 0.28.3
Eventually a release was made that resulted in 6weeks of steady testing

  • Low Battery monitoring
  • Time (local wall time) can be entered from terminal (for easy _EC/standalone time setting)
  • Digital sensors information stored in "log".csv

( still testing for .hex to release

2020 Aug [release1 examples\tu_xx01 ] LT500/Acculevel & EC

Reliable Data Delivery to MMW.
Image Named and adds it to .log file POST log file DBGyymm.log can be enabled.
Mayfly build with 4 .hex images

  • LT500/Acculevel to MMW with Digi LTE CAT-M1. DBGyymm.log enabled
  • As above but uses Digi WiFi S6. Mostly a test build.
  • EC standalone
  • Simple stress tester to MMW over Digi WiFi. DBGyymm.log enabled

2020 July [release1 examples\tu_xx01 ] LT500/Acculevel & EC

** release still wip **
This is a Mayfly build with two .hex images, tag v0.25.0.release1_200708

standalone Electrical Conductivity
Two depth sensors, LT500/SDI-12 & Keller Acculevel/RS485 using Digi LTE modem

The target build environment is controlled by ms_cfg.h with two options
examples\tu_xx01\src\tu_xx01\src\tu_xx01.cpp with ms_cfg.h_LT5 and ms_cfg.h_EC

EC - Electrical Conductivity
This measures a relative EC for the purposes of detecting a "Stream Disconnect"
The sensor is a standard two prong electrical connector.
Its powered off a 3.6V LiSO2 battery.
The boards fit into a BUD NBB-15240 (5.9x5.9x2.75in Outdoor PBT/PC)
The time is initialized by adding a Digi WiFi hybrid with a network present to initialize the time. An uSD card with ms_cfg.ini, and the [NETWORK] section identifying the WiFi network. It uses a custom EC interface board B032rev2 ~
Schematic ~ tbd
BOM ~ tbd

In normal operation, the EC is recorded every 15minutes and saved to the uSD. The data is retrieved by replacing the uSD with another one. The data file fully identifies the Mayfly and Geographical location. The EC is not expected to be calibrated and only indicates a gross change in EC.

This polls a LT500/SDI-12 and Acculevel/RS485. The LT500 uses a custom SDI-12 interface board B033 that plugs into a groove connector. The Mayfly needs to be configured for +5V.
The Acculevel uses the Mayfly RS485 wingboard.
This requires a Digi XB3 LTE Modem. Its tested with a verizon SIM. The verizon SIM is tied to the Digi Modem at configuration.

Wingboard B033 for SDI-12 interface PCB tbd
Schematic tbd
BOM tbd

2020 Apr [release1 rel1_tu_id01 ]

This is tested with the Mayfly 0.5b with Digi CAT-M1 and Digi WiFi S6 module.
branch rel1_tu_id01 is stability testing for a CTD device for TU Matt Barney. I don't have a CTD device, but should be set up per Matt Barney's target.
Target is ModularSensors\examples\tu_id01
The target build environment is controlled by
~ tu_id01/src/tu_id_ctd.cpp program
~ tu_id01/platformio.ini for reference libs.
~ tu_id01/src/ms_cfg.h for types of sensors/instruments.

Targets using ModularSensors\examples\tu_id01\platformio.ini are built for a production build referencing (release1) and pulled into .pio\libdeps\mayfly\EnviroDIY_ModularSensors for building.
Targets using ModularSensors\a\tu_id01\platformio.ini are built for development, the source is local in ModularSensors\src and can be modified locally.

tag v0.24.5.release1_200417 - release1 for ModularSensors\examples\tu_id01 Mayfly Digi CAT-M1 with sensors SamplenNumber, BattV, RSSI, DS2321 Temp (C), DS2321 Temp (F).
tag v0.24.5.release1_200414 - default branch release1 a baseline for Mayfly ModularSensors\examples\tu_id01 -

The branch rel1_dvlp1m is wip/integrating
a) the Keller Nanolevel/Acculevel - this requires an update for the lib AltSoftSerial to make the port pins used for serial port safe/low when sleeping ~ .
b) the Insitu LT400 - this requires an update for lib keller ~ .

2019 Sept30 [candidate in process: tag (rel1_dvlp1m): v0.23.15.rel1_dvlp1m.c]

Provisional: This is a development branch synced with master:v0.23.15

Target: ModularSensors\a\tu_mon - Monitoring power to a PitTag systems in 2" round form factor.
Tested Custom Power Applied Sensor: Feather INA219 connected to Autonomo/SAMD21/Xb3 LTE-M & XbeeWiFi & (Mayfly V0.5b+LTE card) w

Target is monitoring the power remotely in an easy added configuration of a PitTag system. The enclosure is a 2" black ABS pipe, with single cable for monitoring PitTag and powering Autonomo. An internal LiIon battery is supplied to continue reporting if power is lost completely The Autonomo/SAMD21 is narrow footprint and can contain the Adafruit Feather INA219 in wirewrap configuration for initial useage.

ModularSensors\a\tu_mon\src\ms_cfg.h greatly enchained options for different target builds
ModularSensors\a\tu_mon\platformio.ini enhancements for multiple platform builds
Expects to connect to internet early to acquire accurate time from Tools: Sodaq Autonomo/SAMD21 first action is to load in a boot, to allow multiple reloads (neilh10/uf2-samdx1) getCurrent ModularSensors\tools\getcurrent - a Mayfly 0.5b tested INA219 based current monitor, for monitoring current of the target (Autonomo+LTE-M1)

ModularSensors\a\kn_depth testing with Mayfly 0.5b fails. Something to do with attempting to transmit on the modbus serial channel.


Synced with master,v0.23.4 -clean up among st other issues for TIINA219 that had inconsistent case between git and DOS.

2019 May9 [ (rel1_dvlp1m): v0.21.4.rel1_dvlp1m]

Provisional: This is a development branch synced with master:v0.21.4 Supports SAMD21 and SAMD51
Tested SAMD21: Autonomo/SAMD21/Xbee WiFi with basic SmartSensor functionality- simple one sensor.
Tested SAMD51: Adafruit M4 Express with FeatherWing RTC (PCF8522) & uSD card, and flying leads wired for Xbee WiFi.
Tested Project ModularSensors\a\atlMayfly\platformio.ini with ModularSensors\arduino_update

The Autonomo/SAMD21 was found to be poorly supported with Autonomo and required guess work for physical pin layout. Expect to do no further work with Autonom, the SAMD21 appears in many options with Adafruit M0 xxx and Rocket Scream LoRa,

Known issue: With Adafruit M4 Express/SAMD51 the RTC doesn't sleep. The SAMD51 RTC registers are enhanced over SAMD21 and the processor isn't going to sleep.

ModularSensors\src\ms_cfg.h greatly enchained options for different target builds
ModularSensors\a\atlMayfly\platformio.ini enhancements for multiple platform builds
Requires new SAMD51 compatible libs ModularSensors\a\atlMayfly\libs RTCsamdLooUQ
enviroDIY_DS2321 temporarily modified for external RTC PCF8522

Sample output

2019 Mar2 tag (release1): v0.17.6.release1a

This is a maintenance release preparing for a separate Autonomo/SAMD21+wingBoard RS485/SDI12

This syncs with v0.17.6 which has some SAMD21 accomodations a\atlMayfly\src\atlMayFly.cpp is sync with examples\menu_a_la_carte\menu_a_la_carte.ino

Known Issues: Using Mayfly0.5b the Xbee S6 WiFi handling is causing non response initially, but starts working on 2nd pass.

Sample output

2019 Jan21 tag release1(default): v0.17.3.release1a

It looks for ms_cfg.ini on SD card for custom configuration information. See format of ms_cfg.ini
The [UUIDs] section now matches a "Label" and searches the list of sensors in VariableList[] for a match, and then substitutes the defined UUID.
Format is:

The production output is stored in ModularSensors\a\atlMayfly\src\atlMayfly.cpp - this is the only file compiled and tested in this ModularSensors fork.
The inih reading ms_cfg.ini processing is still largely done in atlMayfly.cpp: inihUnhandledFn() - some of the sections persistent storage has been moved to the relevant classes.
ms_cfg.ini has been extensively tested with Xbee S6 WiFiSsid and WiFiPwd, but not at this point with APN

The objective is for atlMayfly.cpp: inihUnhandledFn() to be moved into the classes that use the data.
The internal reference .hex on booting has date: : Jan 21 2019 14:01:55

2018Dec24 v0.17.2b.nh -
based on Major Release v0.17.2
This adds
battery management

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