This is a multi-module project for the Accessibility Map API. It consists of the following modules:
- Specification (API YAML definition)
- Backend REST API
- Network generation job
This project is maintained by Nationaal Dataportaal Wegverkeer (NDW)
- It is primarily maintained within Azure Devops and mirrored to
- It works within NDW infrastructure, with some of its constraints;
- This repository contains functionality only, data is gathered from APIs/database, but not included;
- Pipelines are not designed to be used within GitHub;
- GitHub wiki and issues aren't enabled.
The specification module only versions the
API YAML and this JAR is used by
the openapi-generator-maven-plugin
to generate controllers for the backend application.
Build Maven with profile regression-test
to build the project with unit and integration testing.
Make sure your Spring Boot application is not running in IntelliJ. Run:
mvn verify -P regression-test
For testing purposes, a staging test account has been created in Keycloak called sa-nls-staging-test
To get the password (client-secret
) for this account, see the KeePass file in the nls-wiki
All modules currently have the same version.
Set up a connection to the staging database and create an Amersfoort cut out in a temp table:
Make sure to update the version_id
in the sql below when applicable.
create table nwb.road_section_for_dump as
select * from nwb.road_section
where version_id = 20240701
and geometry && st_makeenvelope(147769.55323, 455801.28125,163636.57098, 472114.299, 28992);
A table on staging should exist, and now we want to create a dump from it. The command below utilizes your local pg_dump executable (which might be located elsewhere on your computer). Since we already have the database schema, we only need the data. Use the following command to create the dump:
/usr/bin/pg_dump --dbname=nls-maps --schema=nwb --table=nwb.\"road_section_for_dump\"
--format=p --file=/tmp/road_sections_dump_ndw_20240101 --data-only
--username=nls_administrator --port=5432
Since this is a data-only dump, we need to make sure to not completely override
and replace only the data part which starts with
COPY nwb.road_section (version_id, road_section_id,
After you replaced the data you also need to update the version_id
and reference_date
in the nwb.version
table. You can find the COPY nwb.version (version_id, imported, reference_date, revision, status) FROM stdin;
right below the added data.
When you update the traffig sign responses, you probably also need to update the NWB test data set version. Traffic sign
responses include location.road.nwb_version
entries, of which the maximum value is used as reference date to look up
the correct NWB version.
To re-create the mocked response, download Amersfoort files, using the following url:
In the traffic sign API, traffic signs have text signs and some text signs are of type 'TIJD' and they have a field called 'openingHours'. This field will be using the OSM standard for opening hours:
jq . c6WindowTimeSegments.geojson | sponge c6WindowTimeSegments.geojson