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A .NET Global Tool for managing MongoDB databases in .NET


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Tools.NET Mongo


A Global Tool for the dotnet CLI to manage MongoDB databases in .NET.

Nuget (with prereleases)


This package contains a .NET Core Global Tool you can call from the shell/command line. To install use the following command:

dotnet tool install --global Tools.Net.Mongo

CLI Usage

  migrate [tool-options] <command>        Manages MongoDB migrations

Tool Options:

  -h|--help                               Prints usage information
  -v|--version                            Prints version information


  create <name>                           Creates a new migration file. NAME is required to create a migration
  up [command-options]                    Runs all migrations that have not been applied   
  down [command-options]                  Downgrades the database by undoing the last applied migration
  status [command-options]                Prints the changelog of the database
Command Options:
  -i|--uri                                The MongoDB connection string

Getting Started

Start by creating a .NET Core or .NET Standard project. Once the project in created, change your shell/command line directory to the directory of the project file.

Next, install the Tools.Net.Mongo.Core package in your project. *Note: The dotnet Mongo tool uses the Mongo Core package for its migrations. If you're receiving build errors after creating a migration, verify the MOngo Core package is installed properly.


.NET Mongo Migrations provides functionality to manage the state of a MongoDB instance using the dotnet mongo migrate command.

Creating a New Migration

To create a new migration use the dotnet mongo migrate create <NAME> command. A migration file will be created in the Migrations directory of the project.

PS C:\Repositories\demo\Tools.Mongo.Demo> dotnet mongo migrate create MigrationDemo
Created: Migrations/M201908311227533_MigrationDemo.cs

After the migration is created, implement the Up and Down functions in the generated migration file.

public bool Up(IMongoDatabase database)
    var usersCollection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("users");
    usersCollection.InsertOne(new BsonDocument
        {"firstName", "Rick"},
        {"lastName", "Grimes"},
        {"email", ""},

    var filterDefinition = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("firstName", "Rick");
    filterDefinition = filterDefinition & Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("lastName", "Grimes");
    filterDefinition = filterDefinition & Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("email", "");

    var newUser = usersCollection.Find(filterDefinition).ToList();

    if (newUser.Count == 1) return true;

    return false;
public bool Down(IMongoDatabase database)
    var usersCollection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("users");

    var filterDefinition = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("firstName", "Rick");
    filterDefinition = filterDefinition & Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("lastName", "Grimes");
    filterDefinition = filterDefinition & Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("email", "");

    var result = usersCollection.DeleteOne(filterDefinition);

    if (result.DeletedCount == 1) return true;
    return false;

Note: Each function returns a bool value to indicate if the script was run successfully

Upgrading a Database

To upgrate a database, run the dotnet mongo migrate up --url <connectionString> command. The up command will run all migrations that have not been applied to a given database instance. Note: This command must be executed in the project directory where the Migrations folder lives.

PS C:\Repositories\demo\Tools.Mongo.Demo> dotnet mongo migrate up --uri mongodb://localhost:27017/twdDb
Migrated: M201908311227533_MigrationDemo

Downgrading a Database

To downgrade a database, run the dotnet mongo migrate down --url <connectionString> command. The down command will undo the latest migration from a given database. Note: This command must be executed in the project directory where the Migrations folder lives.

PS C:\Repositories\demo\Tools.Mongo.Demo> dotnet mongo migrate down --uri mongodb://localhost:27017/twdDb
Downgraded: M201908311227533_MigrationDemo

Checking the Migration Status

To see the status of a database instance, run the dotnet mongo migrate status --url <connectionString> command. Note: This command must be executed in the project directory where the Migrations folder lives.

PS C:\Repositories\demo\Tools.Mongo.Demo> dotnet mongo migrate status --uri mongodb://localhost:27017/twdDb
| Migration                      | Applied At |
| M201908311227533_MigrationDemo | PENDING    |


A .NET Global Tool for managing MongoDB databases in .NET







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