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brownag committed Jan 16, 2021
1 parent 1a01cc2 commit 6fc0ed6
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Showing 3 changed files with 96 additions and 93 deletions.
167 changes: 84 additions & 83 deletions R/ROSETTA.R
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Expand Up @@ -5,172 +5,173 @@
# v: model version
# conf: configuration
.ROSETTA_request <- function(x.chunk, vars, v, conf) {

# save a copy of columns not used by API
x.chunk.other <- x.chunk[, which(!names(x.chunk) %in% vars), drop = FALSE]

# retain only those columns required by the API
x.chunk <- x.chunk[, vars, drop = FALSE]

## TODO: may not need to convert to matrix, API will now accept a list of lists
# x.chunk is a data.frame
# convert to matrix for proper JSON encoding
x.chunk.mat <- as.matrix(x.chunk)

# API url: version / model code
u <- sprintf("", v)

# submit request
# note: JSON is composed at function eval time
r <- httr::POST(
url = u,
body = list(X = x.chunk.mat),
encode = "json",
encode = "json",
config = conf

# trap errors
request.status <- try(httr::stop_for_status(r), silent = TRUE)

# return the error object so calling function/user can handle it
if (inherits(request.status, 'try-error'))

# the result is JSON
r.content <- try(httr::content(r, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), silent = TRUE)

# error trapping
if (inherits(r.content,'try-error'))

# convert JSON -> list(van_genuchten_params = [numeric matrix])
# note that NA / errors will result in 'null' -> translated to NA by fromJSON()
d <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(r.content))

# error trapping
if (inherits(d, 'try-error'))

# a valid result will containt a list with the following:
# "model_code" (results from automatic model selection, -1 means no prediction / error)
# "rosetta_version" (1, 2, 3)
# "van_genuchten_params" (standard output)

# extract VG parameters, may include NA
vg <-[['van_genuchten_params']])
# set names
vg.names <- c('theta_r', 'theta_s', 'alpha', 'npar', 'ksat')
names(vg) <- vg.names

# add model code
vg[['.rosetta.model']] <- factor(d[['model_codes']])

# add ROSETTA version
vg[['.rosetta.version']] <- d[['rosetta_version']]

# original "extra" data + relevant properties + vg parameters <- cbind(x.chunk.other, x.chunk, vg)


#' @title ROSETTA Model API
#' @description A simple interface to the \href{}{ROSETTA model} for predicting hydraulic parameters from soil properties. The ROSETTA API was developed by Dr. Todd Skaggs (USDA-ARS) and links to the work of Zhang and Schaap, (2017). See the \href{}{related tutorial} for additional examples.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette, Todd Skaggs (ARS), Richard Reid
#' @param x a \code{data.frame} of required soil properties, may contain other columns, see details
#' @param vars character vector of column names in \code{x} containing relevant soil property values, see details
#' @param v ROSETTA model version number: '1', '2', or '3', see details and references.
#' @param chunkSize number of records per API call
#' @param conf configuration passed to \code{httr::POST()} such as \code{verbose()}.
#' @details
#' Soil properties supplied in \code{x} must be described, in order, via \code{vars} argument. The API does not use the names but column ordering must follow: sand, silt, clay, bulk density, volumetric water content at 33kPa (1/3 bar), and volumetric water content at 1500kPa (15 bar).
#' @details
#' Soil properties supplied in \code{x} must be described, in order, via \code{vars} argument. The API does not use the names but column ordering must follow: sand, silt, clay, bulk density, volumetric water content at 33kPa (1/3 bar), and volumetric water content at 1500kPa (15 bar).
#' The ROSETTA model relies on a minimum of 3 soil properties, with increasing (expected) accuracy as additional properties are included:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{required, sand, silt, clay: }{USDA soil texture separates (percentages) that sum to 100\%}
#' \item{optional, bulk density (any moisture basis): }{mass per volume after accounting for >2mm fragments, units of gm/cm3}
#' \item{optional, volumetric water content at 33 kPa: }{roughly "field capacity" for most soils, units of cm^3/cm^3}
#' \item{optional, volumetric water content at 1500 kPa: }{roughly "permanent wilting point" for most plants, units of cm^3/cm^3}
#' }
#' Column names not specified in \code{vars} are retained in the output.
#' Three versions of the ROSETTA model are available, selected using \code{v = 1}, \code{v = 2}, or \code{v = 3}.
#' Three versions of the ROSETTA model are available, selected using \code{v = 1}, \code{v = 2}, or \code{v = 3}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{version 1}{Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. ROSETTA: a computer program for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with hierarchical pedotransfer functions. Journal of Hydrology 251(3-4): 163-176. doi: 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00466-8.}
#' \item{version 2}{Schaap, M.G., A. Nemes, and M.T. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison of Models for Indirect Estimation of Water Retention and Available Water in Surface Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 3(4): 1455-1463. doi:}
#' \item{version 2}{Schaap, M.G., A. Nemes, and M.T. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison of Models for Indirect Estimation of Water Retention and Available Water in Surface Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 3(4): 1455-1463. doi: \doi{10.2136/vzj2004.1455.}}
#' \item{version 3}{Zhang, Y., and M.G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration of the Rosetta pedotransfer model with improved estimates of hydraulic parameter distributions and summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal of Hydrology 547: 39-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.004.}
#' }
#' @note Input data should not contain columns names that will conflict with the ROSETTA API results: `theta_r`, `theta_s`, `alpha`, `npar`, `ksat`.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} object:
#' \describe{
#' \item{... }{columns present in \code{x}}
#' \item{theta_r: }{residual volumetric water content (cm^3/cm^3)}
#' \item{theta_s: }{saturated volumetric water content (cm^3/cm^3)}
#' \item{alpha:}{related to the inverse of the air entry suction, log10-transformed values with units of cm}
#' \item{npar: }{index of pore size distribution, log10-transformed values with units of 1/cm}
#' \item{ksat: }{saturated hydraulic conductivity, log10-transformed values with units of cm/day}
#' \item{.rosetta.model}{best-available model selection (-1 signifies that prediction was not possible due to missing values in \code{x})}
#' \item{.rosetta.version}{ROSETTA algorithm version, selected via function argument \code{v}}
#' }
#' @references
#' @references
#' Consider using the interactive version, with copy/paste functionality at: \url{}.
#' Rosetta Model Home Page: \url{}.
#' Python ROSETTA model: \url{}.
#' Yonggen Zhang, Marcel G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration of the Rosetta pedotransfer model with improved estimates of hydraulic parameter distributions and summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal of Hydrology. 547: 39-53. \url{}.
#' Kosugi, K. 1999. General model for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for soils with lognormal pore-size distribution. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:270-277.
#' Mualem, Y. 1976. A new model predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 12:513-522.
#' Schaap, M.G. and W. Bouten. 1996. Modeling water retention curves of sandy soils using neural networks. Water Resour. Res. 32:3033-3040.
#' Schaap, M.G., Leij F.J. and van Genuchten M.Th. 1998. Neural network analysis for hierarchical prediction of soil water retention and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:847-855.
#' Schaap, M.G., and F.J. Leij, 1998. Database Related Accuracy and Uncertainty of Pedotransfer Functions, Soil Science 163:765-779.
#' Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij and M. Th. van Genuchten. 1999. A bootstrap-neural network approach to predict soil hydraulic parameters. In: van Genuchten, M.Th., F.J. Leij, and L. Wu (eds), Proc. Int. Workshop, Characterization and Measurements of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media, pp 1237-1250, University of California, Riverside, CA.
#' Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, 1999, Improved prediction of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with the Mualem-van Genuchten, Submitted to Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
#' van Genuchten, M.Th. 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Am. J. 44:892-898.
#' Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. ROSETTA: a computer program for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with hierarchical pedotransfer functions. Journal of Hydrology 251(3-4): 163-176. doi: 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00466-8.
#' Schaap, M.G., A. Nemes, and M.T. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison of Models for Indirect Estimation of Water Retention and Available Water in Surface Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 3(4): 1455-1463. doi:
#' Zhang, Y., and M.G. Schaap. 2017. Weighted recalibration of the Rosetta pedotransfer model with improved estimates of hydraulic parameter distributions and summary statistics (Rosetta3). Journal of Hydrology 547: 39-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.004.

# 2020-11-19:
# 2020-11-19:
# * NA are handled safely by the API now
# * model selection is automatic when model code = 0
# * work with Todd to determin the optimal request / record count trade-off
Expand All @@ -180,70 +181,70 @@
# * versions 1,2,3 supported

ROSETTA <- function(x, vars, v = c('1', '2', '3'), chunkSize = 10000, conf = NULL) {

# check for required packages
if (!requireNamespace('httr', quietly = TRUE) | !requireNamespace('jsonlite', quietly = TRUE))
stop('please install the `httr` and `jsonlite` packages', call. = FALSE)

# ROSETTA version check
v <- match.arg(v)

if( ! inherits(x, c('data.frame')) ) {
stop('x must be a data.frame')
} else {
# support for data.table (or other) by casting to data.frame for all data.frame subclasses
x <-

# if it inherits from data.frame, nrow is defined
if( ! nrow(x) > 0 ) {
stop('x must contain more than 0 rows')

# check that vars exist in x
if(! all(vars %in% names(x))) {
stop('vars must match columns in x')

# soil properties must be numeric
# Note: not data.table safe
if(! all(sapply(x[, vars], is.numeric)) ){
stop('x must contain only numeric values')
stop('x must contain only numeric values')

# chunk
x[['.chunk']] <- makeChunks(1:nrow(x), size = chunkSize)

# split
x <- split(x, x[['.chunk']])

# iterate over chunks
# results may contain try-errors
res <- lapply(x, FUN = .ROSETTA_request, vars = vars, v = v, conf = conf)
## TODO: think about error handling...

## TODO: think about error handling...
# most likely a curl time-out
# data are pre-screened before submitting to the API
# locate errors
err.idx <- which(sapply(res, inherits, 'try-error'))

# remove errors
if(length(err.idx) > 0) {
res <- res[-err.idx]
res <- res[-err.idx]

# all errors, return NULL
if(length(res) < 1) {
message('empty result set')

# stack into DF
res <-'rbind', res)
row.names(res) <- as.character(1:nrow(res))

# remove chunkID
res[['.chunk']] <- NULL

9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/reference/ROSETTA.html

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