This package makes it easy to send notifications using MstatGr with Laravel 9.x.
This is where your description should go. Add a little code example so build can understand real quick how the package can be used. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two.
Install via composer
composer require laravel-notification-channels/mstatgr
Add in the services.php
configuration file the following lines
'mstat' => [
'auth_key' => env('MSTAT_AUTH_KEY', ''),
'default_from' => env('MSTAT_FROM', ''),
This is a sample Notification class
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use NotificationChannels\MstatGr\MstatGrChannel;
use NotificationChannels\MstatGr\MstatGrMessage;
class TestNotification extends Notification
public function via($notifiable): array
return [MstatGrChannel::class];
public function toMstatgr($notifiable)
return (new MstatGrMessage())
->content('This is a sample sms.')
A list of all available options
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
$ composer test
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.