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Neil Fritz edited this page May 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

Hecate's delete sub-command provides the functionality to delete all keys for a specific user, or a specific key for a specific user. The user defaults to the user who originally ran the command. If no host is specified, all keys for a user will be deleted. For security reasons, this command must be run be the same user a key is being deleted for or as root.


usage: hecate delete [-h] [--user USER_NAME] [--host HOST_NAME] [--force]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user USER_NAME, -u USER_NAME
                        The user to delete the public key for, defaults to
                        current user
  --host HOST_NAME, -uh HOST_NAME
                        The host to delete the public key for, defaults to
                        current host, if not specified will completely remove
                        the user
  --force, -f           Force the operation, this will suppress the [y/N]


  • --user - the user the delete the key for, if not specified defaults to the user who ran the command
  • --host - the host to delete the key for, if not specified deletes all keys for the user
  • --force - suppress the [y/N] prompt asking for confirmation

Delete a Key for a Specific User and Host

First, list the current keys for the user - just to make sure they exist

pinky:bin ncfritz$ hecate list --user ncfritz --type keys
Found 2 keys for user ncfritz in Consul


Now, delete the key for and user ncfritz

pinky:bin ncfritz$ hecate delete --user ncfritz --host
!!                    WARNING                    !!

This operation is permanent and can cause disruption to user SSH access to systems!

The following keys will be deleted for user ncfritz:  

Confirm delete [y/N]: y

Verify that is no longer present as a key

pinky:bin ncfritz$ hecate list --user ncfritz --type keys
Found 1 keys for user ncfritz in Consul

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