Eiga is a small framework for writing cross-platform games, graphical demos, and interactive art.
The framework is built upon the insanely fast LuaJIT compiler and it's native FFI functionality.
Open a terminal/command-line and cd into eiga's top level director.
###Mac OS X
./bin/OSX/x64/luajit runtime/boot.lua examples/immediate_triangle/
64 Bit
bin\Windows\x64\luajit.exe runtime\boot.lua examples\immediate_triangle\
32 Bit
bin\Windows\x86\luajit.exe runtime\boot.lua examples\immediate_triangle\
###Linux 64 Bit
./bin/Linux/x64/luajit runtime/boot.lua examples/immediate_triangle/
32 Bit
./bin/Linux/x86/luajit runtime/boot.lua examples/immediate_triangle/
Eiga's API is heavily influenced by that of LÖVE, another Lua-based framework.
This project is still very young, and many features still need to be implemented. Feedback, suggestions and bug reports are greatly appreciated.
MIT License where applicable. See the docs/legal/ folder.