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Gyeonghwan edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 1 revision

Adjust Transparency

Provides the transparency slider in the upper left corner of the NAVER Cafe SDK screen; this functionality enables users to use game and NAVER Cafe at the same time.

Transparency Description
Alpha value of 100% Passing a touch event to the NAVER Cafe SDK
Alpha value of less than 100% Passing a touch event to game

This functionality has been supported since 1.4.0 of the NAVER Cafe SDK.

Use the disableTransparentSlider: method to specify whether this functionality is enabled.


If the disable parameter is set to YES, the transparency slider will be enabled (default: YES).

The following code shows an example of how to make the transparency slider enabled.

 Determine whether the transparency slider is enabled.
// Transparency enabled
[[NCSDKManager getSharedInstance] disableTransparentSlider:YES];

The following code shows an example of how to make the transparency slider disabled.

// Transparency disabled
[[NCSDKManager getSharedInstance] disableTransparentSlider:NO];

Adjust Transparency

Other NAVER CAFE SDK Documents.





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