- Android app to discover popular movies.
- Uses themoviedb API to get the movie information.
- Ability to sort by Most Popular, Top Rated, Now Playing, Upcoming.
- Ability to mark movies as favourite (favourites available offline).
- Movie details includes list of trailers.
- Optimized for both phone and tablet.
- SQLite to store the favourite data.
- Retrofit for REST calls.
- Picasso for efficient image loading.
- To build and use the app, you will need to get an api key from themoviedb.org and put it in TmdbApiService class
private static final String TMDB_API_KEY ="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";
#### Phone: Movie List (Landscape)
#### Phone: Sorting options
#### Phone: Movie Details
#### Phone: Movie Details - Trailer List
#### Tablet: Movie List (Landscape)
#### Tablet: Movie Details (Landscape)
#### Tablet: Portrait