Promise based API to get data from web.
- Typescript support
- Search games with filtering options
- Complete detailed game data (including time tables)
Inspired by @ckatzorke project
- Axios (requests)
- Cheerio (HTML scrapper)
Using npm:
$ npm install howlongtobeat-api
Using yarn:
$ yarn install howlongtobeat-api
howlongtobeat.find(query: Query = {}): Promise<{ total: number, data: GameResult[] }>
howlongtobeat.get(id: number): Promise<GameDetail>
import howlongtobeat from 'howlongtobeat-api'
// Find games
.find({ search: 'bayonetta' })
.then(results => {
Receive object with total number and results (max. 20 from total)
total: 5,
data: [
id: 966,
name: "Bayonetta",
imageUrl: "...",
gameplayMain: 11.5,
gameplayExtended: 15.5,
gameplayCompletionist: 42.5
.catch(err => {
// Request failed
// Get game by ID
.then(game => {
Receive object with game properties
id: 966,
name: "Bayonetta",
developers: ["PlatinumGames"],
platforms: ["Nintendo Switch", ...],
genres: ["Action", ...],
publishers: ["Sega", ...],
description: "...",
releaseDates: {
NA: "January 05, 2010",
gameplays: {
single: [
type: "Main Story",
average: "11h 31m",
median: "11h 10m",
platforms: [
platform: "Nintendo Switch",
main: "11h 42min",
extended: "16h 42min",
completionist: "48h 12min",
.catch(err => {
// Game not found or request failed
import { find, GameResult, Query, Platform, SortBy } from 'howlongtobeat-api'
// Write your own code with types
async function findHaloGames (): void {
try {
const query: Query = {
search: 'halo',
platform: Platform.Xbox360,
sortBy: SortBy.ReleaseDate
const results: { total: number; data: GameResult[] } = await find(query)
} catch (err) {
// Search pattern to find games
search: '',
// Pagination (max. 20 results per page)
page: 1,
// Gameplay length type to use on min and max
lengthType: LengthType.Main, // 'main'
// Min and max values to restrict search data
lengthMin: '',
lengthMax: '',
// Sorting: 'popular', 'rating', ...
sortBy: SortBy.Popular,
// '0' for descending, '1' for ascending
sortOrder: SortOrder.Descending,
// Filters
platform: Platforms.All, // default: ''
perspective: Perspective.All, // default: ''
flow: Flow.All, // default: ''
genre: Genre.All, // default: ''
modifier: Modifier.None, // default: ''
// Get one random game result
randomize: false