This script is a version of the one used at You can use it to crawl the internet. It starts on the FIRST domain, links are extracted for the next run. It fetches domains, stores the data, and adds the links found in the current domain to the queue. It never ends.
As an example, right now it stores http_code, title, and description. It's very easy to add new fields and extract more details from each domain.
Ensure you have Python >= 3.10 installed on your system. You can verify using:
python --version
git clone
cd pythonSimpleCrawlerBot
Create a MySql database and import database.sql.
IMPORTANT: Insert the first domain to start with.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit and look for constants sections:
MAX_THREADS = 1 (number of parallel domains fetched at the same time)
Run it manually:
As a cronjob:
*/5 * * * * python /full/path/
In case you want to add new fields and extract additional data you would have to:
Modify Database:
- Add a new field in the table (Database)
- Modify Domain Class (ORM) - add new field and type
Modify function fetch_domain_details function:
It should return your new field. Feel free to add your code after BeautifulSoup, calculate your new field value, and return it, if the field exists in the database it will be stored.
Create an Issue to get support.
Pull requests are welcomed.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.