A website to showcase custom keycap designs.
There are three main content folders:
- used for sub pages (not really used)/keys/
- used for individual key entries/gbs/
- used for group buys
A new folder has to be added for each entry and the content has to be a file named index.md
There is a naming format for keys. It shoudl be used for all identifying folders and files. This is never seen on the website, it's just used inside of the website generation.
[design]-[base color]-[legend color]-[profile type]
example: v12-bfk-yy-sa1
example: mininuke-ra-wa-dsa
The image for the key will be found in the folder \contents\singlekeys\
There are some manditory fields to make the templates work.
title: Mini Nuke
profile: SA Row 1
colorway: Special Fat Man
base: VV # Signiture Plastics color code
legend: YY # Signiture Plastics color code
author: 00keys # Always use 00keys
date: 2016-04-01 # Date added to website
code: mininuke-vv-yy-sa1 # The code name
id: 708 # 700 = Glowing One, SA1 # ID for Custom sorting logic
tags: SA Row 1, Mini Nuke, The Megaton Vault Drop GB, Special Fat Man # Comma seperated list for tags
template: key.jade # Rendering template
There is a folder named /keyinfo/
where you can put a markdown files with the design codename e.g. mininuke.md
This will be added to each key page that uses that as the design part of it's code e.g. mininuke-vv-yy-sa1
There is a folder named /colorinfo/
where you can put a markdown files with the color codename e.g. bfk-yy.md
This will be added to each key page that uses that as the design part of it's code e.g. v87-bfk-yy-dsa
A GB needs an identifier wich can work as a file name e.g. glowingone
This is never seen on the website, it's just used inside of the website generation.
A GB has some complex front matter to allow the automatic generation of the GB page.
title: The Megaton Vault Drop # The name seen on the website
author: 00keys # Always use 00keys
date: 2016-04-01 # Date added to website
gbtag: The Megaton Vault Drop GB # Match an entry used in the 'tags' of the keys
code: glowingone # The code name
offers: # A lis of objects with each 'kit' in the GB
- img: sa1
name: SA Row 1 Kit
price: 40
- SA Row 1
- img: sa3 # The section to locate the image '\contents\gbs\glowingone-sa3'
name: SA Row 3 Kit # The name of the kit which is seen on the website
price: 40 # The price in USD
tagfilter: # A list of tags to filter content by
- SA Row 3 # All content will match 'gbtag' and all tags in this list
- img: dsa
name: DSA Kit
price: 40
iclinks: # A list of objects with interest check links
- name: geekhack.org Interst Check
url: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=80552
- name: /r/mechmarket Interst Check # The name seens on the website
url: https://redd.it/4brqtu # The URL that will be used
gblinks: # The same as iclinks, but for Group Buys
- name: geekhack.org
url: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=76885
template: groupbuy.jade # Rendering template
At the moment the only image type excpected in the templates is .png
There is a dedicated gallery page which shows a carousel of images. This feature can also be at the bottom of the individual key pages. The data all comes from gallery\index.md
where there is a section to list an image with a credit and a list of the codenames of keys that are featured in the image.
- src: http://i.imgur.com/fJOatsk.jpg
title: Fallout Family
credit: Nathan Ross Powell
url: http://nathanrosspowell.com
- mininuke-ra-wa-dsa
- mininuke-rn-tm-sa3
- mininuke-rn-tm-sa1
- mininuke-rn-tm-dsa
- v111-gsm-yce-dsa
- v111-gsm-yce-sa3
- v111-gsm-yce-sa1
- nukacola-ra-wa-dsa
- nukacola-polyblue-wa-dsa
- src: http://i.imgur.com/Mcft6qp.jpg
title: Vault 101 in Jumpsuit Colors
credit: Nathan Ross Powell
url: http://nathanrosspowell.com
- v101-bfk-yy-sa3
For each keycode listed in keys
, the image will be shown on the individual key page.
This repository is linked to a wercker application that will automatically deploy any changes that are made.
This works for both edit mades in-browser viavia github.com
and all pushes. If you need to be a contributor, you can be added to the white list so you can make instant edits.
This project uses Wintersmith which is a static site generator based on Node.js. Automation is handled via Grunt.
- Set up Node.js and Node Package Manager on your machine(
). Search the web for steps on that. - Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:nathanrosspowell/00keys.git
in the command line- or, use the "Save To Your Computer" button if you have GitHub Desktop installed (recommended step for Windows users)
- Open a command promt inside the
director- GitHub Desktop users can use the "Open in Git Shell" option from the setting menu (cog icon)
- Install all the dependencies
npm install -g wintersmith grunt-cli; npm install
in the command promt- or, Windows users can use
- Launch the local server with
wintersmith preview
- Open a web browser and go to