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amazon-wishlist-exporter - Scrapes Amazon wishlist data to JSON format

usage: [-h] (-u URL | -f HTML_FILE) [-t STORE_TLD] [-l STORE_LOCALE] [-p] [-d] [-s SORT_KEYS] [-c] [-y] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--debug]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     Amazon wishlist URL
  -f HTML_FILE, --html-file HTML_FILE
                        Amazon wishlist HTML file
  -t STORE_TLD, --store-tld STORE_TLD
                        Amazon store TLD
  -l STORE_LOCALE, --store-locale STORE_LOCALE, --locale STORE_LOCALE
                        Amazon store locale
  -p, --priority-is-localized
                        Return localized priority text instead of numeric value
  -d, --iso8601         Convert localized date strings to ISO 8601 format
  -s SORT_KEYS, --sort-keys SORT_KEYS
                        Sort key(s) for JSON output
  -c, --compact-json    Write compacted JSON
  -y, --force           Overwrite existing output file without asking
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output JSON file
  --debug               Print debug messages


Due to an upstream dependency, this package can only be installed with pip for Python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.

pip install amazon-wishlist-exporter

uv is recommended to install the package in a managed environment:

uv tool install -p 3.11 amazon-wishlist-exporter

For improved sorting of non-Latin or mixed scripts with the Unicode Collation Algorithm, install with the optional icu dependency:

uv tool install -p 3.11 amazon-wishlist-exporter[icu]

PyICU may need to be built separately:

Windows users can use pre-built wheels from here:


uv tool install -p 3.11 amazon-wishlist-exporter --with

Installation on Python 3.12 or newer

uv can be used to override the Pillow dependency which has been tested up to Pillow 11.0 on Python 3.13:

uv tool install -p 3.13 amazon-wishlist-exporter --overrides overrides.txt

The above uses the overrides.txt found in this repository.


  • Python >= 3.9
  • amazoncaptcha
  • babel
  • curl_cffi
  • dateparser
  • selectolax
  • price_parser
  • tenacity
  • PyICU (optional)


  • --url: Alternative to the above, allows whole wishlist URL as input - may need to be quoted
  • --html: For HTML files generated via below instructions
  • --store-tld: Optional for --html, will be guessed from filename
  • --store-locale: Optional - Store locale such as en_US, en_GB, de_DE, etc.
    • Not all stores support all locales.
    • If not specified, the default locale for that store will be chosen.
    • This is required for HTML files if the locale is not in the file name
  • --sort-keys: Optional - A single key or comma separated list of key names to sort the wishlist items by. Example priority,name sorts first by priority value highest to lowest, then sorts by name
    • Numeric values (such as priority, rating) are sorted largest to smallest
    • String values (such as name, comment) are sorted using the specified locale - when the package is installed with PyICU, the Unicode Collation Algorithm for the locale is used


403 Errors

Excessive scraping in a short time frame will cause Amazon to serve HTTP 403 errors to the session, but will clear on its own after some time.

Private Wishlists and "Date Added" Field

This program is not capable of scraping private lists or authentication. Additionally, the "date added" field is only visible when you are authenticated (except for some old lists).

To scrape these lists, you must use the bookmarklet provided in the below section, which will download an HTML file you can pass to the program with the --html-file argument.

How to generate HTML files from a wishlist

Using "Save As" in the browser will not create a usable HTML file for this program.

To work around this, I created a bookmarklet which you can save and then open on any wishlist page. It will continuously scroll to the bottom until the list is fully loaded, and then save the rendered DOM to an HTML file with a filename understood by this program.

Create a blank/dummy bookmark in your browser and replace the URL with this value:


Alternatively, you can open a console using your browser's development tools, and then run the code that way:

if(""))var previousCount=-1,unchangedCount=0,checkExist=setInterval(function(){var e=document.querySelectorAll(".g-item-sortable");if(document.getElementById("endOfListMarker")||unchangedCount>=3){clearInterval(checkExist);let t=document.createElement("a"),n=new Blob([document.getElementById("wishlist-page").outerHTML],{type:"text/html"});var"_"+document.getElementById("listId").value+"_"+opts.language+".html";t.href=URL.createObjectURL(n),,,URL.revokeObjectURL(t.href)}else e.length===previousCount?unchangedCount++:unchangedCount=0,previousCount=e.length,(last=e[e.length-1]).scrollIntoView()},2e3);else alert("This bookmarklet must be run on an Amazon site!");


No description or website provided.








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