This project is a monorepo. Consists of a platform to upload a specific type of file, containing information about each customer's product transactions, with the purpose of processing the data and displaying the listing.
This is a challenge by Coodesh
The definitions of the requests and the strategies for creating the application for both the backend and the frontend are in the documentation file.
- Check out the project presentation at this link.
- I created a flow to simulate a scrum board with all the decision making I had during the development of this project. If you want to view it, click here. PS.: the board is in Portuguese.
- Backend:
- Frontend:
Step one: clone this repository
With HTTP:
git clone
With SSH:
git clone
Step two: setup api
- Install dependencies(use node version 18):
cd fullstack-afiliados && cd backend && npm install
- Rename file from .env.example to ".env".
cp .env.example .env
- If you don't have docker installed, follow these steps to install it:
- To create the PostgreSQL database schema using docker compose, it is necessary to define the "DATABASE_URL" environment variable. I defined a default url that you can use or modify as you wish.
Obs.: If you modify the docker configuration url, also modify the respective settings in the docker-compose.yml file.
Obs.2: For these commands to work, you need to have the docker service running on your machine.
Run in fullstack-afiliados/backend dir:
docker-compose up -d
- To create the migrations referring to the database tables.
Run in fullstack-afiliados/backend dir:
npm run db:migrate
- Finally, run project in dev mode:
npm run start:dev
- Install dependencies(use node version 18):
- Step one: setup app
- Install dependencies(use node version 18):
cd frontend && npm install
- Rename file from .env.example to ".env".
cp .env.example .env
- Install dependencies(use node version 18):
- Step two:
- Run app in dev mode:
npm run dev
- Run app in dev mode:
It is necessary to register with name, email and password.
After registering, log in using your email and password.
To view the data on screen, it is necessary to upload the text file containing the transactions.
The text file must follow the following structure:
12022-01-15T19:20:30-03:00CURSO DE BEM-ESTAR 0000012750JOSE CARLOS
- *Where the 1st position refers to the type of transaction, which can be: 1 - Producer sale 2 - Affiliate sale 3 - Commission paid 4 - Commission received
- From the 2nd to the 26th position, it refers to the date of the transaction, in ISO 8601 format(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM): Ex.: 2022-01-15T19:20:30-03:00
- From the 27th position to the 56th, it refers to the product description: Ex.: CURSO DE BEM-ESTAR
- From position 57 to 66, it refers to the value in cents of the transaction: Ex.: 0000012750
- Finally, from position 67 onwards, it refers to the name of the producer or affiliate: Ex.: JOSE CARLOS
When uploading, the list with the processed data will be displayed.