- Abdul Rohman - 1941720022
- De Roger Baggio Bryant - 1941720238
- Lelyta Salsabila - 1941720026
- Nabilah Argyanti Ardyningrum - 1941720083
- Rajendra Rakha Arya Prabaswara - 1941720080
- Widiareta Safitri - 1941720081
You must download python and install it in your text editor / IDE.
Open the folder (workspace) with your text editor / IDE.
Open terminal.
py -3 -m venv venv
Then copy all of folder and file in this folder (exclude README.md, .gitignore, and .git).
Create folder
in static folder. -
Type this again in terminal:
cd venv Scripts\activate python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install flask pip install keras pip install tensorflow pip install Pillow pip install random2 pip install flask_bootstrap
Then run the project with type this in terminal:
flask run
Notebook Version: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/122jaqEE34fNT6FxJJ38sE1hKW1s8QoXm#scrollTo=oWceN-ozGoTI