An unofficial spiritual successor to Grant Howitt’s Crash Pandas
(Written by Aidan Naveja under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license)
a raccoon who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
one who engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings, usually involving acts of violence or intimidation.
This is the first edition of the game. Candidly, it is just an overglorified prototype with some polish. Being the very first official written ruleset for the game, it will likely have some errors and flaws. I will address those as they come up and update the rules accordingly. Please contact me with any issues at
I have a Discord were I will be running games where people are welcome to join my friends and I, but I also encourage you to start your own games. I want to build as much diversity in ideas as possible. Heck even if you don't like raccoons, but you just like the mechanics, please feel free to fork it and let me know what awesome things you create!
If you are unfamiliar with GitHub; the Ruleset, Grandkit (GM) Info, and Raccoontuer Generation Resources are all available in the list of links above this Read Me in addition to the links within this sentence. You may have to click on the hyperlink that says "View Code" in order to display this list. There are .pdf versions available, although the formatting leaves something to be desired.