Flipkart is one of the largest online retailers in India, offering a vast range of products including electronics, fashion, home appliances, and groceries. Flipkart also owns several subsidiaries including Myntra, PhonePe, and Jeeves, making it a major player in the Indian e-commerce mark
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- React Router DOM
- Styled Components
- Chakra-UI
- Redux
- JSON Server
- Login and signup functionality
- Navbar for easy navigation between pages
- Product pages where all the products will be displayed
- Card page
- Checkout page
- Payment page
- JSON Server to manage the data
- Admin page to add, update, edit & update products
- Axios
- React-redux
- Redux-thunk
- styled-components
- Redux
- Chakra UI
- React-Router-Dom
- Json-Server