Provides an Oai-Pmh server to serve your data. This is an Oai-Pmh server only, you have to plug your own data provider.
- Compliant with official Oai-Pmh tech spec :
- Sucessfully pass test
- Automated resumption in large list, with arrays or ArrayObject
- On the fly XML generation, if you provide Records in a real-time data-accesing ArrayObject
- Parametrable resumption items-per-page (default at 50)
- Does not supports resumption (by token) on set lists
- More data formats (currently supports Dublin Core only)
Require the naoned/OaiPmhServer
package in your composer.json and update your dependencies.
$ composer require naoned/OaiPmhServer:*
Add the NaonedOaiPmhServerBundle to your application's kernel:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Naoned\OaiPmhServer\NaonedOaiPmhServerBundle(),
Add to your config.yml
data_provider_service_name: naoned.oaipmh.data_provider
count_per_load: 50
You can choose here nb of records and sets in list with resumption
Add to your routing.yml
resource: "@NaonedOaiPmhServerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /oaipmh
You can choose here route to your Oai-Pmh server
Add to your services.yml In your own Bundle (that manage data), add a service to expose data
- [ setContainer, ["@service_container"] ]
Fournishing data is up to you. That’s why you have to define a service. In order to do it, create on your side a class based on this example :
use Naoned\OaiPmhServerBundle\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware;
class [YOUR_CLASS] extends ContainerAware implements DataProviderInterface
* @return string Repository name
public function getRepositoryName()
return 'My super Oai-Pmh Server';
* @return string Repository admin email
public function getAdminEmail()
return '';
* @return \DateTime|string Repository earliest update change on data
public function getEarliestDatestamp()
return "2015-01-01";
* @param string $identifier [description]
* @return array
public function getRecord($identifier)
return array(
'title' => 'Dummy content',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'sets' => array('seta', 'setb'),
* must return an array of arrays with keys «identifier» and «name»
* @return array List of all sets, with identifier and name
public function getSets()
return array(
'identifier' => 'seta',
'name' => 'THE set number A',
'identifier' => 'setb',
'name' => 'THE set identified by B',
* Search for records
* @param String|null $setTitle Title of wanted set
* @param \DateTime|null $from Date of last change «from»
* @param \DataTime|null $until Date of last change «until»
* @return array|ArrayObject List of items
public function getRecords($setTitle = null, \DateTime $from = null, \DataTime $until = null)
return array(
'identifier' => '1W1',
'title' => 'Dummy content 1',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'last_change' => '2015-10-12',
'sets' => array('seta', 'setb'),
'identifier' => '1W2',
'title' => 'Dummy content 2',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'last_change' => '2015-10-12',
'sets' => array('seta'),
'identifier' => '1W3',
'title' => 'Dummy content 3',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'last_change' => '2015-10-12',
'sets' => array('seta'),
'identifier' => '1W4',
'title' => 'Dummy content 4',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'last_change' => '2015-10-12',
'sets' => array('setc'),
'identifier' => '1W5',
'title' => 'Dummy content 5',
'description' => 'Some more dummy content',
'last_change' => '2015-10-12',
'sets' => array('setd'),
* Tell me, this «record», in which «set» is it ?
* @param any $record An item of elements furnished by getRecords method
* @return array List of sets, the record belong to
public function getSetsForRecord($record)
return $record['sets'];
* Transform the provided record in an array with Dublin Core, «dc_title» style
* @param any $record An item of elements furnished by getRecords method
* @return array Dublin core data
public static function dublinizeRecord($record)
return array(
'dc_identifier' => $record['identifier'],
'dc_title' => $record['title'],
'dc_description' => $record['description'],
* Check if sets are supported by data provider
* @return boolean check
public function checkSupportSets()
return true;
* Get identifier of id
* @param any $record An item of elements furnished by getRecords method
* @return string Record Id
public static function getRecordId($record)
return $record['identifier'];
* Get last change date
* @param any $record An item of elements furnished by getRecords method
* @return \DateTime|string Record last change
public static function getRecordUpdated($record)
return $record['last_change'];
If you use Symfony >= 2.8, use ContainerAwareTrait instead of extending ContainerAware :
use Naoned\OaiPmhServerBundle\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;
class [YOUR_CLASS] implements DataProviderInterface
use ContainerAwareTrait;
Of course, you have to implement data retreiveing here, based on anything : db (Sql), mappers (Doctrine, Pomm) or any other data storing (ElasticSearch …). That why I made this class container aware, but you can preferely set required services via setters.
In addition, lists (records ans sets) can be sent as ArrayObjects, in order to manage data calling in an other class that implements \ArrayObject