3vent is a full-stack RSVP dapp built during 30 Days of Web3 curriculum.
An Eventbrite like platform. Attendees will deposit ETH to RSVP and will get it back upon them checking in at the event.
3vent is a monorepo. You will find the following packages :
: Hardhat + Solidity smartcontract
: Subgraphs
: Front-end application.
Each of the packages have their own package.json file, so they define their dependencies.
|- package.json => root workspace
|--- packages
|------ frontend
|---------- package.json => front-end app
|------ smartcontracts
|---------- package.json => Hardhat + Solidity project
|------ subgraphs
|---------- package.json => Subgraphs
Pre-requisite: use LTS node version, have pnpm installed.
- Clone this repository locally
- At the root of the project, install the dependencies with
pnpm install
- In the terminal, run
pnpm dapp:dev
. Hitlocalhost:5173
and you should see the app.