This is an Elixir engine used to launch Elixir apps on Nanobox.
To use the Elixir engine, specify elixir
as your engine
in your boxfile.yml.
engine: elixir
When preparing your runtime, this engine compiles code by doing the following:
> mix local.hex --force
> mix local.rebar --force
> mix deps.get --force
> mix deps.compile --force
> mix compile --force
This engine provides helper scripts to make managing your Elixir application easier.
The node-attach
helper facilitates connecting to an Elixir node that was started with elixir-start
The node-start
helper ensures that nodes are started with credentials sufficient to cluster and attach to after they are running.
# Examples
node-start mix phoenix.server
node-start mix run —no-halt
This engine exposes configuration options through the boxfile.yml, a yaml config file used to provision and configure your app's infrastructure when using Nanobox. This engine makes the following options available.
# Elixir Settings
runtime: elixir-1.5
Specifies which Elixir runtime to use. The following runtimes are available:
- elixir-1.5
runtime: elixir-1.5
Specifies which Erlang runtime to use. The following runtimes are available:
- erlang-18
- erlang-19
- erlang-20
erlang_runtime: erlang-20
Specifies what version of the PostgreSQL client to use:
NOTE: The engine will try to detect the correct version first.
- 9.3
- 9.4
- 9.5
- 9.6
- 10
postgresql_client_version: 9.6
This is an Elixir engine provided by Nanobox. If you need help with this engine, you can reach out to us in the Nanobox Slack channel (access can be requested at If you are running into an issue with the engine, feel free to create a new issue on this project.