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A class project for COMS W4115 Programming Languages and Translators at Columbia University.


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Pixel++ is a programming language for efficient manipulation of images coded in OCaml. This is a documentation intended for the compilation and execution instructions. The full language manual is available at

This is a class project for COMS W4115 Programming Languages and Translators, Spring 2018 at Columbia University.

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Our compiler is developed and has been tested on

To set up the environment, please run the following commands:


UBUNTU_CODENAME=`lsb_release --codename | cut -f2`
UBUNTU_VERSION=`lsb_release -r | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/[.]//'`
if [ ${UBUNTU_VERSION} -lt 1804 ]; then
    # Add LLVM repositories for Ubuntu version 17.10 and lower
    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb${UBUNTU_CODENAME}/ llvm-toolchain-${UBUNTU_CODENAME}-${LLVM_VERSION} main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}.list
    echo "deb-src${UBUNTU_CODENAME}/ llvm-toolchain-${UBUNTU_CODENAME}-${LLVM_VERSION} main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}.list
sudo apt update

# Install OCaml and LLVM
sudo apt install ocaml opam m4 clang-${LLVM_VERSION} llvm-${LLVM_VERSION} llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}-runtime cmake pkg-config build-essential
opam init

# Install OCaml LLVM library
opam install llvm.${OCAML_LLVM_VERSION}
tee -a ~/.bashrc << EOF
export PATH="/usr/lib/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}/bin:\$PATH"
eval \`opam config env\`

You may also run the following command to take changes into effect:

source ~/.bashrc


Our compiler has been tested on

To set up the environment, please run the following commands (with Homebrew installed):

brew update
brew install ocaml opam llvm
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
opam init
eval `opam config env`
opam install llvm.6.0.0


Makefile is provided. By typing make in the terminal, the following commands will be executed automatically to produce the top-level executable:

rm -f *.o
ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs llvm,llvm.analysis -cflags -w,+a-4 toplevel.native

If you wish to build it again, use make clean before make to clean intermediate and executable files, which is equivalent to the following commands:

ocamlbuild -clean
rm -rf toplevel parser.mli
rm -rf *.cmx *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.o *.s *.ll *.out *.exe

Compilation and Execution

You can compile and execute an Pixel++ program (supposing the name of the program is myprogram.xpp) by following the steps below:

  1. Produce the top-level executable toplevel.native:

     make clean
  2. Compile the Pixel++ program and produce an LLVM IR myprogram.ll:

     ./toplevel.native myprogram.xpp > myprogram.ll
  3. Invokes the LLVM compiler to produce an assembly file myprogram.s:

     llc myprogram.ll > myprogram.s
  4. If you would like to use any functions in the standard library to process images, compile the file stdlib.xpp:

     make -C stdlib/ clean
     make -C stdlib/
     ./stdlib/toplevel.native -c2 ./stdlib/stdlib.xpp > stdlib.ll
     llc stdlib.ll > stdlib.s
     gcc -std=c99 -Wall -c load.c
  5. Produce an executable myprogram.exe for the Pixel++ program if you do not use functions in the standard library:

     gcc -Wall myprogram.s -o myprogram.exe

    If you use any functions in the standard library, link all the assembly files and object files and produce the executable:

     gcc -Wall myprogram.s stdlib.s load.o -lm -o myprogram.exe

    You might need to add the -no-pie flag to GCC if you experience any relocation errors when linking on Ubuntu 18.04.

  6. Run your executable:


You can also clean intermediate files and executables before building the top-level executables using:

make clean

Options of the Top-level Executable

  • ./toplevel.native -a myprogram.xpp: Print the abstract syntax tree (AST);
  • ./toplevel.native -s myprogram.xpp: Print the semantically-checked abstract syntax tree (SAST);
  • ./toplevel.native -l myprogram.xpp: Print the LLVM IR;
  • ./toplevel.native -c myprogram.xpp (or ./toplevel.native myprogram.xpp): Check and print the LLVM IR;
  • ./stdlib/toplevel.native -c2 ./stdlib/stdlib.xpp: Check and print the LLVM IR for the standard library (a piece of Pixel++ code without a main function).

Deliverable #2: Scanner and Parser

Test Script

Our test suites are located under the syntax_tests/ directory. For this deliverable, there are 10 test cases, 5 of which will compile and execute successfully and the others will not compile.

To test our test script, just run:

make clean && make

For positive test cases, a message "positive test succeeded" will be printed, which indicates that the files are successfully compiled and the results match our expectation. For negative test cases, a message "negative test succeeded" will be displayed to indicate that the files are failed to compile and the error matches our expectation.

Deliverable #4: Hello World

Test Suites

Our test suites are located under the helloworld_tests/ directory. For this deliverable, we write five test cases, whose filenames are in the format test-helloworld-x.xpp, to test various functionalities of the Pixel++ language.

  • test-helloworld-0.xpp prints a string Hello, Pixel++!. It mainly tests the built-in function printline(), which prints a string to the standard output.
  • test-helloworld-1.xpp prints the first 10 Fibonacci numbers. It tests the built-in function print(), which prints an integer. Also it verifies that functions in Pixel++ could be recursive.
  • test-helloworld-2.xpp prints the factorial of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • test-helloworld-3.xpp implements the greatest common divisor algorithm. It prints all integers from 1 to 20 that are not a multiple of 3.
  • test-helloworld-4.xpp implements the selection sort algorithm. It tests the declaration and initialization of a one-dimension array and array subscript operation. It should print 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7 in non-decreasing order.

Test Script

To test our test suites, just run:

make clean && make

For all the five test programs, a message "Test passed." will be printed, which indicates that the files are successfully compiled and the results match our expectation.

Deliverable #5: Extended Testsuite

Test Suites

Our test suites are located under the extended-tests/ directory. For this deliverable, we have 7 positive test cases, whose filenames are in the format extended-pos-x.xpp, to test various functionalities of the Pixel++ language. We also have 3 negative test cases, whose filenames are in the format extended-neg-x.xpp, which will fail to compile due to semantic errors.

  • extended-pos-0.xpp implements the vertical collage function in the standard library. It takes an image of the same width and combines them vertically.
  • extended-pos-1.xpp implements the image cropping function in the standard library. It lets the users specifiy an area by the starting point, height and width, and produces a cropped one.
  • extended-pos-2.xpp implements the image flipping function in the standard library. It takes an image and produces a horizontally flipped one.
  • extended-pos-3.xpp demonstrates a self-defined Gaussian blur filter, which takes an image and applies blurring operation on it.
  • extended-pos-4.xpp implements the rotation function in the standard library. It takes an image and rotates it by 180 degrees.
  • extended-pos-5.xpp demonstrates a Sci-Fi effect filter defined in the standard library, which takes an image and adds Sci-Fi effect on it.
  • extended-pos-6.xpp implements a reverse sorting algorithm with input 9 1 2 8 3 and output 9 8 3 2 1.
  • extended-neg-0.xpp tests undeclared variable and produces an error: Fatal error: exception Failure("undeclared identifier d").
  • extended-neg-1.xpp tests unmatched type in assignment and produces an error: Fatal error: exception Failure("illegal assignment int = string").  
  • extended-neg-2.xpp tests unmatched type in binary operation and produces an error: Fatal error: exception Failure("illegal binary operator int + string in a + b").

Test Script

To test our test suites, just run:

make clean && make
make -C stdlib/ clean && make -C stdlib/

For all the 7 positive test cases, a message "Positive test passed." will be printed, which indicates that the programs are successfully compiled and the output results match our expectation.

For the first 6 positive test cases, the images generated are available under the extended-tests/ directory.

For each of these test cases, an equivalent C++ program extended-pos-x-v.cpp is provided for validation. A test case passes if the hash value of the image generated by the Pixel++ program matches the hash value of the image generated by its equivalent C++ program.

For all the 3 negative test cases, a message "Negative test passed." will be printed, which indicates that the programs fail to compile and the errors match our expectations.

Final Deliverable

Test Suites

Our test suites are located under the demo/ directory. For this deliverable, we have 3 positive test cases, whose filenames are in the format demo-x.xpp, to test major features of the Pixel++ language.

  • demo-0.xpp demostrates stacking and applying self-defined filters, flipping and cropping.
  • demo-1.xpp demostrates dimming (by pixel manipulation), rotating and applying a self-defined sharpening filter.
  • demo-2.xpp demostrates greying (by pixel manipulation), applying the Sci-Fi effect filter in the standard library and making collage.

Test Script

To test our test suites, just run:

make clean && make
make -C stdlib/ clean && make -C stdlib/

For all the test cases, a message "Positive test passed." will be printed, which indicates that the programs are successfully compiled and the output results match our expectation.The images generated are available under the demo/ directory.

For each of these test cases, an equivalent C++ program demo-x-v.cpp is provided for validation. A test case passes if the hash value of the image generated by the Pixel++ program matches the hash value of the image generated by its equivalent C++ program.


A class project for COMS W4115 Programming Languages and Translators at Columbia University.







No packages published


  • C 73.4%
  • OCaml 23.9%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • C++ 1.1%
  • Makefile 0.1%