Hi there! Welcome to my official portfolio webpage. Hi there! I'm Sakthivel, a passionate computer science student with a good understanding of programming languages like C and Python. Proficient in Java. I am a MERN Stack Developer. This project showcases a collection of my works, including web development. It is designed to demonstrate my skills, achievements, and professional journey.
This portfolio is a personal webpage that highlights my technical expertise, including:
- Web Development (Frontend & Backend)
- Machine Learning Applications
- Project Implementations
The design focuses on a clean, user-friendly experience to effectively present my work to potential employers, clients, and collaborators.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Interactive Projects: Links to live projects with detailed descriptions.
- Tech Stack Overview: A glimpse into the technologies I am proficient in.
- Contact Form: Option for visitors to reach out for collaborations or inquiries.
This portfolio was built using:
- HTML: Markup language for the structure.
- SCSS: Styling and layout.
- JavaScript: For interactivity and dynamic content.
- React.js: For creating an interactive user interface.
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nameissakthi/Sakthivel-Portfolio.git
2. Navigate into the project directory:
cd Sakthivel-Portfolio
3. Install dependencies:
npm install
4. Run the app:
npm run dev
Don't forget to star the repository and share your feedback!✨
This project is licensed under the MIT License.