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This is a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition with Python and Data Visualization libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn to predict the duration of taxi rides in NYC based on features like trip coordinates or pickup date and time.

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This is the extensive Exploratory Data Analysis of New York Trip Duration Competition in kaggle. You can see the notebook by clicking New York Trip Duaration in Kaggle Competition.


New York City Traffic This is a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition with Python and Data Visualization libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn. I also use New York City Taxi with OSRM to support the primary dataset.

The goal of this playground challenge is to predict the duration of taxi rides in NYC based on features like trip coordinates or pickup date and time. We start the exploratory data analysis by loading the dataset using pandas, checking missing values, doing feature engineering,checking outliers and comparing between univariate and bivariate features,improving the model using ML Algorithms(Decision Tree and Gradient Boosting) as regression model. We also implement Haversine Formula for calculating the duration between two points(longitude and latitude) as follows Haversine Formula

File descriptions

  • train.csv - the training set (contains 1458644 trip records)
  • test.csv - the testing set (contains 625134 trip records)
  • sample_submission.csv - a sample submission file in the correct format

Data fields

  • id - a unique identifier for each trip
  • vendor_id - a code indicating the provider associated with the trip record
  • pickup_datetime - date and time when the meter was engaged
  • dropoff_datetime - date and time when the meter was disengaged
  • passenger_count - the number of passengers in the vehicle (driver entered value)
  • pickup_longitude - the longitude where the meter was engaged
  • pickup_latitude - the latitude where the meter was engaged
  • dropoff_longitude - the longitude where the meter was disengaged
  • dropoff_latitude - the latitude where the meter was disengaged
  • store_and_fwd_flag - This flag indicates whether the trip record was held in vehicle memory before sending to the vendor because the vehicle did not have a connection to the server - Y=store and forward; N=not a store and forward trip
  • trip_duration - duration of the trip in seconds

Exploratory Data Analysis

Trip Duration Distributon

Trip Duration Distribution
We do log transformation to the target variable because the evaluation metric in the competition is RMSLE. We can see based off the histogram that the log trip duration is bell-shaped distribution with peak at 6.5.

Number of Samples and Average Log Trip Duration by Date

Number of Samples and Average Log Trip Duration by Date
There is a significant drop on January 23, 2016 for the number of taxi trips while the average of Log trip duration ranges between 6.26 to 6.69 with peak on January 23,2016. Furthermore, the number of taxis ranges around 8000 trips.

Number of Samples and Average Log Trip Duration by Day

Trip Duration Distribution
The trip volume depicts that there is an increase from monday to friday and decrease from Friday to Sunday. In addition to that, there is a maximum trip volume at over 220,000 occurs on Friday while minimum occurs on Sunday. This patterns also occurs on average log trip duration with the peak on thursday. This implies that people use more taxi trips on weekdays than weekends with. This correlates with the trip duration on average that is longer on weekdays than weekends.

Number of Samples and Average Log Trip Duration by Hour

Number of Samples and Average Log Trip Duration by Hour
This graph depicts that there is a spikes in trip volumne at 8am(Getting to work) and 6pm(head home). Average log trip duration starts increasing around 6 am and decrease after 8 am. This implies that there is a positive correlation between trip volumne and average log trip duration.

Average Speed in hour

Average Speed in hour
The combination of external dataset, we will be able to extract average speed at different time of day and week. The graphs depicts that the change in average speed is inverse to the change of trip volume which means the more taxi on the road , the lower the speed.

Distribution of time duration by number of passengers

Distribution of time duration by number of passengers
We can ssee there are some taxis which have no passengers. the median based on the boxplot graph is around 3. the other change in the number of passengers from 1 to 6 passengers shows a constanct median. However, there is a drops when adding more than 6.

Distribution of time duration by Vendor Id

Trip Duration Distribution Based off the vendor id , it depicts that vendor 1 has more outliers than vendor 2 with same median.

Number of Samples in Train and Test

Number of Samples in Train and Test
The plot shows the comparison of distribution of taxi trips in train and test data. The comparison of test and train data has been crucial in developing models. It could be affect to the quality of the models to avoid overfitting, underfitting, bias-variance tradeoff.

Trip Location Distribution of Train and Test Data

Trip Location Distribution of Train and Test Data
In terms of time and geolocation distribution, it looks like test and train data are overlapped.

Model Analysis

After doing exploratory data analysis in our dataset, we will implement a machine learning algorithm based on the problem that we wanted to overcome. It is basically regression problem and we will implement decision tree regressor and gradient boosting algorithms to predict the trip duration of taxis. The idea of choosing this algorithm because gradient boosting help understand the model through the implement of weak learners into strong learner where the algorihm is provided by scikit-learn. The input is a set of numerical features and the output is the prediction of trip duration. We also implemet hyperparameter tuning based on the sample on the train data to choose the max depth of decision tree in order to give the best score for evaluation. we get 9 after using gridsearch. We get the 0.435 as the evaluation metric to evaluate the performance of gradient boosting regressor.


Model Evaluation and Validation

We do log transformation to the target variable and use RMSE as the measurement model during the training prosess. we implement hyperparameter tuning to tune the best max_depth of our decision tree and the default values of function of xgboost provided by scikit -learn. Based off the value of iteration we spcified , GBT model training did not stop untill it reached RMSE of validation set hasn not improved in 50 iterations. This described that the model is robust enough when we predicted the trip duration and submit to the competition. We also get the same RMSE for the test data meaning that the model performance on the validation data is able to generalizes the unseen data.

The plot below shows the value of features which is able to give best score if we use them in our model. It is clear that location related features is essential to make a better prediction(pickup and dropoff location). Both total distance and haversine distance also have a good correlation in improving the model. Pickupp weekday, vendor id and store and forward flag give less importannt impact to the model.

Feature Importance

Feature Importance

Reflection & Improvement

The project in this competition has been started by implementing Exploratory Data Analysis to see any patterns in trip duration. We also do feature engineering to use another features to make new features that can affect model in the machine learning process. We do not clean the data because the data provided by the host is already clean. in the real world, data are extremely messy and we must do clean the data before preparing the data into production to give insights. The most challenging part of this competition is feature engineering. It is really a creative thinking process to use some avaliable feature to create another features that can help improve the model we will be implementing. We used custom search rather than applying grid search becuse it takes a lot of time to run the single model and obtaining the best GBT not the focus on this competition. We also use hyperparameter in our GBT algorithm to achieve better performance.


  1. NYC Taxi EDA
  2. From EDA to the Top (LB 0.367)
  3. Analyzing 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips, with a Vengeance)


This is a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition with Python and Data Visualization libraries such as matplotlib and seaborn to predict the duration of taxi rides in NYC based on features like trip coordinates or pickup date and time.







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