- Uses Pimoroni's micropython
- Requires a raspberry pi pico microcontroller
- Requires a Pimoroni's pico display connected to the pico
Has a copy of a display emulator that draws on a windows instead of using the real pico (at least for simple graphics). Also a mock emulator for machine and utime that pass though stuff to time or simply does nothing.
B = Rotate A = Reset Y = Move left X = Move rigth
- Still have collision and end game detection bugs
- Next piece does not reset the rotation
- Some times pressing a button registers double presses
- Music (if activated) usually hangs (I think is using too much memory)
- Music in the same core can create note length delays, solution is move it to the second core, but multi core tests locked the board
- Use the A button to open a menu instead of Reset
- Improve the redraw algorithm
- Implement a drop piece button (maybe one press on A drops, long press opens menu)