A simple command-line interface (CLI) to-do list application in Python. This application allows you to add, view, remove, and edit tasks easily from your terminal.
- Add: Add a new task to your to-do list.
- View: View all the tasks in your to-do list.
- Remove: Remove a task from your to-do list.
- Edit: Edit an existing task in your to-do list.
- Exit: Exit the application.
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/naemazam/todo-python-cli.git
cd todo-python-cli
Run the application:
python todo-python-cli.py
Follow the on-screen prompts to interact with your to-do list.
Welcome to the To-Do List CLI!
1: Add
2: View
3: Remove
4: Edit
5: Exit
Choose an option: 1
Enter the task: Buy groceries
Task added.
1: Add
2: View
3: Remove
4: Edit
5: Exit
Choose an option: 2
1. Buy groceries
1: Add
2: View
3: Remove
4: Edit
5: Exit
Choose an option: 3
Enter the task number to remove: 1
Task removed.
1: Add
2: View
3: Remove
4: Edit
5: Exit
Choose an option: 5
Exiting the application.
Enjoy using todo-python-cli! Happy task managing!
You can add or modify sections based on any additional functionality or specifics about your project. This `README.md` file provides a clear overview and instructions for using your to-do app.