A simple visualizer for solutions to intances of the firefighter problem on graphs
./view_ffp_sol.py -i <input_file>
<Number of vertices>
<Number of edges>
<Size of the set
<Elements of the
<Edges of the graph, onde per line, format: <source> <destination>>
<Number of vertices to be saved in the solution>
<Vertices to be saved in the solution, in form: <vertex ID> <time>>
<Number of vertices to be burned in the solution>
<Vertices to be burned in the solution, in form: <vertex ID> <time>>
See the file sol1.txt for an example.
igraph package for python 3: http://igraph.org/python
ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
Output example:
- Green: Defended
- Gray: Untouched
- Blue: Threatened
- Red: Burned
- Node: (ID/time of event)