YII2 Admin panel with Advance OAUTH2 modular based APIS.
This is YII2 advanced template based project that have modular apis & rich featured admin panel.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/nadeemse/yii2-rbac-admin-modular-apis.git
Go into directory created with this repo
cd yii2-admin-modular-api
Install dependencies If you don't have composer installed on your computer then first install the composer by following link https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
Install Yii2 assets dependencies by following command
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
- now time to install third party packages by simply running command
composer install
5.1) Create a new database and update db configuration into common/config/main-local.php, in my case db name is yii2Rbac.
'db' => [
'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=yii2Rbac',
'username' => 'DB_USERNAME', // This is as per your mysql server configuration.
'password' => 'DB_PASSWORD', // This is as per your mysql server configuration
'charset' => 'utf8',
5.2) Now time to migrate all databases table and seed defult data. If you are using Ubunut / OS then run below command on your root directory For window user follow step (5.3)
./yii migrate --migrationPath=@app/migrations/mysql
5.3) If you are using window operating system then run command on your root directory of the project
yii migrate --migrationPath=@app/migrations/mysql
- Enjoy !!!
OAUTH2 module to manage API security & clients(Front-end APPS) access level. for OAUTH2 we are using (https://github.com/nadeemse/yii2-oauth2-server) server.
For admin panel, we are using Creative Tim admin panel theme (http://www.creative-tim.com/product/paper-dashboard)
In admin console, you can assign specific roles to sub admins for that we are using RBAC(Role-based access control: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authorization.html)
Admin panel & API are fully integrated with email helper, That's provide an option to send email with CC, attachment and with HTML content.
$to : to whom you want to send email
$cc: Array of emails to whom you want to send cc
$subject: String
$template: html file that you want to use, in my case all emails files are under common/mail
(new EmailHelper)->sendEmail($to, $cc, $subject, $template, $data);
This applicaiton is using MYSQL database if you want to use mongoDB then you have to follow mongodb with yii2 documentaiton.
This module is ship with Amazon S3 media manager to mange images, videos and other files.
TODO: Need to write unit testing and Swagger.
You can use mongodb connection as well by following reference link https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-mongodb.
Un comment "mongodb" adapter from
And add yii2 MongoDB extension into composer and run the composer update
"yiisoft/yii2-mongodb": "~2.0.4"
Run the command root directory of your project under terminal ./yii migrate/create --migrationPath=@app/migrations/mysql migration_name
MongoDB collection creation is same as mysql table creation. Make sure that you have installed MongoDB properly I mentioned above and then run below command on your project root directory.
./yii mongodb-migrate/create --migrationPath=@app/migrations/mongodb migration_name
To create a new module, you have to define the module in file api/config/main.php in modules Array. for example if I want to create a new module settings then I need to define like below.
'settings' => [
'class' => 'api\modules\settings\Module'
And then create a folder with same name settings under api/modules, and define the entry point for that module. for reference check settings module under api/modules/settings
To create a access token you have to send a POST request to below endpoint with given credentials.
ACTION : POST URL : http://YOUR_API_END_POINT/v1/user/auth/token REQUEST BODY: //Below information is for the DEMO purpose only, these scopes and credentials are ship with YII MIGRATION.
"username": "api@nadeemakhtar.info", // you can create your own credentials
"password": "#api",
"client_id": "testclient",
"client_secret": "testpass",
"grant_type": "password",
"scope": "account profile catalog root required-customer-token"
Once you have generated AUTH token then simply pass that token into endpoint URL with ?token=your_token and this will allow your application to access restrict resources. This gives you unauthorised access error if your token scope is not matched with resource scope or resources access levels.
Yes, this application is using RBAC for back-end resources management, so you can restrict user permission to even on route level.
Yes, We have integrated token based login system for Front-end Users as well. So it's very Easy signup/login/forgot-password/reset password.
This is application APIs endpoint, you have to create a virtual host and point it to api/web.
Send a POST request to v1/user/session/signup with required informaiton.
"email": "nadeemakhtar.se@gmail.com",
"password": "admin123",
"first_name": "Nadeem",
"last_name": "Akhtar",
"country": "9",
"gender": 1,
"amazing_offers": true,
"occasional_updates": true,
"dob": "2010-01-09"
Send post request to above end point with email and password. this API will return you a account auth-key that you have to store in your header to get access on account related APIS, like profile, reset password, update profile information etc.
"email": "nadeemakhtar.se@gmail.com",
"password": "admin123"
Send a post request to above link, system will send an email to provided email with reset password link.
"email": "nadeemakhtar.se@gmail.com"
customer-token: This is the token that you will get once call login API.
You can explore other routes by simply using this Repo, I am working on Unit tests & Swagger documentaiton. Will update soon.
Create a virtual host and point it to backend/web and access it it browser.
Credentials for back-end:
username/email: info@yii2admin.com pass: yii2Admin
You can define multiple clients and provide them scope to access APIS end point. Clients Like: Website, IOS APP, Android APP
You can manage your application by simply passing app-locale header and system will give you response in required language(if that language is implemented on back-end)
You can pass app-tz header and the system will automatically pick application given timezone.
If you need more information just drop me an email.
config/ contains shared configurations
helpers/ containes helpers classes like EmailHelper etc .
mail/ contains view files for e-mails
models/ contains model classes used in both backend and frontend
widgets/ contains widgets like alert box, modelbox etc..
config/ contains api configurations
core/ containes core override functionality
modules/ contains modules and inner modules
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
config/ contains console configurations
controllers/ contains console controllers (commands)
migrations/ contains database migrations
models/ contains console-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
assets/ contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ contains backend configurations
controllers/ contains Web controller classes
models/ contains backend-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
views/ contains view files for the Web application
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
vendor/ contains dependent 3rd-party packages
environments/ contains environment-based overrides
tests contains various tests for the advanced application
codeception/ contains tests developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework