Author: Nicholas Cerillo
RESTy Phase 4: Add routing and conditional rendering to RESTy
Refer to Getting Started in the lab submission instructions for complete setup, configuration, deployment, and submission instructions.
Continue working in your ‘resty’ repository, in a branch called ‘composition’
Refer to the RESTy System Overview for a complete review of the application, including Business and Technical requirements along with the development roadmap.
In this final phase of the RESTy build, we will be adding some more fidelity to the application, including a menu with a ore detailed view of our history, as well as an about us page.
The following user stories detail the major functionality for this phase of the project.
- As a user, I want to see all of my previous queries as a separate page so that I can browse them in greater detail
- As a user, I would like to view a separate “Help” page so I can learn how the application works
Update the RESTy application as follows:
- Add a menu bar to the header
- Link labeled “Home” that links to ‘/’ and shows the search form/results page
- Link labeled “History” that links to ‘/history’ and loads the history page
- Link labeled “Help” that links to ‘/help’ and loads the about us page
- Add a simple history list to the left side of the application
- List all previous queries, showing the method and the URL
- When a user clicks a previous query, populate the RESTy forms with the query information
- Completely hide the output area (Headers & Results) when there are none to display
- Display any fetch/load errors in place of the results area, if they occur
- When the user clicks the “Go!” button, show a loading icon on the page
- When the fetching of results is complete, remove the loading icon and show the results
- Maintain a list of every unique and successful API call the user has made
- On the History page, show a list of ever previous API call
- Clicking on an entry shows the full details of that query in a separate section on the page
- Optionally, you can store other metadata about the query (time ran, bytes returned, etc) to show your users
- Show a button labeled “Re-Run” that would execute that API call again and shows the home page with the form pre-filled
- Display static content detailing how a user should use the ReSTY application
- How to initialize application
npm start