Secrets are encrypted environmental variables such as tokens, access_keys for github action to access. There are three levels to store secrets. In preceding order they are:
- Organization-level: can be accessed by multiple repos in organization
- repository-level: available for a specific repo only
- environment-level: same with repo-level with additional required reviewers to control access
The lowest level have precedence when secrets are duplicated accross levels.
To make secret available to action, set the secret as input or environment variable in workflow
All jobs in a workflow run parallal by default. If jobs are inter-dependent, you can sepecify
dependencies of a job by using needs
keyword. If a job fails, all dependent jobs will be
skipped; however can keep a job coninue by using if
conditional statement.
name: Setting up
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setting actions up
run: echo 'Oh well! here we are setting up'
needs: setup
name: Building
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Building actions
run: echo 'What are we building really! 😕'
needs: build
name: Testing
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Testing actions
run: echo 'Finally! testing nothing'