Welcome to my repository for the Advent of Code 2023 challenges. Here, I am documenting my journey through this exciting and challenging coding event, where I aim to solve each day's puzzle using Python.
Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed programming puzzles that are released one per day from December 1st to December 25th. Each puzzle presents a unique challenge that requires logic, programming skills, and a bit of creativity to solve.
Interested in solving these puzzles yourself? Visit Advent of Code and start your own coding adventure!
As a software developer, I find these puzzles an excellent way to sharpen my coding skills and problem-solving abilities. For this year's challenges, I have chosen Python due to its versatility and readability, making it a great choice for quick development and problem-solving.
Each day's challenge will have its own folder, named dayX
, where X
represents the day of the challenge. Inside each folder, you will find:
: The Python script containing my solution of the task a.solution-b.py
: The Python script containing my solution of the task b.input.txt
: The input data provided for the challenge.
To run any of the solutions, navigate to the specific day's folder and run the Python script with:
python solution.py