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Button Permissions

HowardBaxton edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 1 revision

For each button inside the menu a button permission can be set. The permission is coded to the end of a NC name and is surrounded by {}. It contains KEYWORDS and OPERATORS.

  • Please NOTE that button permissions have been extended to allow full usage for all nPose notecard KEYWORDS. We can call this Line Permissions when used inside notecards.

OPERATORS (listed in order of their precedence)

Operator Description
! means a logical NOT
& means a logical AND
~ means a logical OR

Operators may be surrounded by spaces

KEYWORDS (case insensitive)

Keyword Description
owner checks if the user is the object owner
group checks if the active group of the user is equal to the group of the object
seated checks if the user is seated
any integer counts as a seatNumber: checks if the user is sitting on the seat with the specified number
any string that begins with a "@" is a macro, which gets recursivly parsed
any other string counts as a permission registered by a plugin, see User Defined Permission


The Button is shown if the user is seated on seat number 1 or 3

The Button is shown to the object owner and also to anyone sitting on seat number 2

SET:Button{owner & !victim}
The button is shown to the object owner, but only if he/she isn't a victim (victim is a User Defined Permission used by the new RLV+ plugin)

SET:Button{1 ~ 3 & group}
The button is shown to the user on seat 1.The button is also shown to the user on seat 3 if he/she has the same active group as the Object.

SET:Button{seated ~ owner}
The button is shown to anybody who sits and also to the object owner.


  • you can add a button permission to the root menu. For example: SET{owner}
  • Button Permissions are inheritable
  • Button Permissions must be the last thing to appear in NC name. They cannot appear in the middle somewhere.