Python script for i3bar/polybar and other bars that supports python scripts.
This script make request to OpenWeather and returns tempreture and Font Awesome Pro icon that shows weather condition.
Icons that app shows, can be changed. For it, you need to open and change values in key-value arrays.
Also before script run, you have to set up script. Indicating your api key, city. You can also change units and temperature unit.
# Settings
city = "Stockholm" # Your city
api_key = "0a00a0000a0aa00a0a00aaa000000a00" # Your openweather api key
units = "metric" # Unit system {imperial or metric}
temperature_unit = "C" # Units of measurement. That will be showed in UI. Does not affect on API.
type = custom/script
interval = 600
cursor-click = python3 ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
exec = python3 ~/.config/polybar/scripts/