This program recovers files from the FAT filesystem. Made for the class CIS 3605.
This utility was created in four days, and it shows.
- The program will not recover files from a fragmented disk.
- The program has not been tested on FAT12 and FAT32 disk images.
- You can not load mounted disk images.
- Only the data on the DIMG file is changed. In order to get the recovered files, extract files with 7zip.
- Hardly any bug testing has been done. The program may corrupt your image.
- Data carving is done hackingly and checks data by sector instead of cluster. Files that start and end in a sector will crash the utility.
- File signatures and footers are embedded into the program.
Do not use this utlity for serious file recovering. Backup your files.
- File > Load and select a DIMG file to load an image file
- Click the "Recover" or "Carve" button. "Recover" uses the root directory to restore image. The "Carve" button restores images from the Data Region.
- Press save.
- Please report any bugs.
- This program is distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. Please understand the terms of use before using the source code.
- The utility should run on Windows, Linux, and Mac. For Linux and Mac, please use Mono to run the exe.