Due to some issues with GameGuard, updating the OverParse will require replacing the OverParse.exe
and the OverParse.exe.config
file with the Mystifier.exe
and the Mystifier.exe.config
. This is a temporary solution. This may require going through the setup again.
First Time Setup:
OverParse needs the following files to be in the following places to function:
in yourpso2_bin
in yourpso2_bin
in yourpso2_bin/plugins
If you are using PSO2 Tweaker, then all you have to do is to put the PSO2DamageDump.dll
plugin, which can be found in OverParse/Resources
into your pso2_bin/plugins
During setup, you will be asked if you use PSO2 Tweaker. If you don't, OverParse will attempt to install the plugin files automatically: if this doesn't work or causes problems, select "Yes" when asked if you use the Tweaker, and do the install yourself.
Other Notice:
With the newest update of PSO2 Tweaker (V5), the damage dump plugin will not appear on the plugin settings anymore, HOWEVER Don't worry about it! The plugin loader will still recognize the plugin fine.
If you are booted from the game with an NP1013 error, GameGuard is probably detecting the damage dump plugin. To fix this, open the file in any hex editor, scroll to the bottom, and add or change some of the data at the end of the file. This changes the checksum and prevents GameGuard from recognizing it.
Windows Defender may detect this, or files inside it, as a virus. These are false positives. OverParse's complete source code is available on this page, and the source for PSO2DamageDump.dll is available here.
You can reset OverParse at any time from the Help menu. If you can't reach the Help menu, you can delete AppData/Local/OverParse
to reset configuration.
Changelog- Version: 3.1.4
- Added damage separation for status ailment damage (poison and burn)
(Possibly requires going through the setup again, sorry guys!)