Welp! Can't decide :/
Frustrated from your group of friends couldn't decide on a place to eat? Well, introducing Welp! for those moments where you let a random algorithm decide your meal.
To get started: clone down a version of this application using the top right clone/copy git clone button.
Once connected: you should be able to see the following message: "Successfully connected to Welp! on http://localhost:3333/"
Navigate to your browser and enter the URL http://localhost:3333/
For Review use purpose:- Create an app the allows the user to add restaurant choices, displays them, and randomly chooses a winner
- User can delete indivdual restaurant choices or all restaurant choices
- Did you install all of your dependencies (npm install/package.json)?
- Did you import/require your data correctly?
- Did you export your data correctly?
- Is your Webpack still running?
- If you're not getting a response in Postman, did you send a response back from your controller?
- GET /api/all retrieves all added restaurants
- DELETE /api/all deletes all added restaurants
- POST /api/add allows user to add a restaurant
- DELETE /deleteOne/:id user can delete one restaurant
- Build out the server in index.js
- Create any other necessary folders and files for your server (HINT: controller, router) and use the Routes Guide to add the necessary routes
- Build out the NoSQL database
- Create a properly formatted schema and use it to set up a new collection in your database
- Make sure there is a connection to the server
- Test all endpoints via Postman (HINT: test POST first)
- Build out the noted functions in your front end
- Refer to Routes Guide if you are lost
- Use conditional rendering to display a randomly selected restaurant upon pressing the "Go!" button
- Add a new feature that lets you add friends
- Add dropdown to show which friend is submitting each restaurant and save in database
- HINT: this may require you to build new schemas and/or modify existing schemas