Track Driver is a simple Ruby on Rails application to track the time the drivers spent working for company S.
- Can create a driver, edit their data, and remove drivers from the system.
- A driver should be able to check-in the numbers of hours they have worked as often as they need to.
- A driver has an email, a name, and many check-ins.
The application is available here.
The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails 5.1.7
- PostgreSQL 13.1
- Github
- Heroku
$ git clone
Install the required dependencies:
$ bundle install
Run tests locally
$ bundle exec rspec
Start the application:
$ rails server
Visit the site at the URL: http://localhost:3000
Create a Heroku user account Install the Heroku CLI Login into your Heroku account:
$ heroku login
Navigate to folder '/track-driver'.
Installing gems:
$ bundle install
Initialize and commit your code to git
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
Deploy the app to Heroku
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
Migrate the database to Heroku
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
Visit the app in browser
$ heroku open
Endpoints | Description |
GET /drivers | List all drivers |
GET /drivers/new | View to create a new driver |
GET /drivers/:id/edit | View to edit a driver |
POST /drivers | Create a new driver |
PUT /drivers/:id | Update a driver |
DELETE /drivers/:id | Delete a driver |
GET /drivers/:driver_id/checkins | View to check-in worked hours per driver |
POST /drivers/:driver_id/checkins | Update worked hours per driver |
- Add unit test, integration test, and load test.
- Expose Prometheus metrics to create (RED) dashboards.
- Create a dev environment in Heroku, right now there is a single environment (prod).
- Add a Dockerfile to improve local development.
- Monetize the app :)