3429 commits
to master
since this release
Here is a list of major enhancements in MyBatis 3.4.2.
- New option 'returnInstanceForEmptyRow' to control the behavior when a query returns a row with all columuns being
. #800 - Support 'default methods' on mapper interfaces. #709
- When no type handler is registered to a class, a type handler registered to its superclass can be used. #859
- New attributes
is added to@CacheNamespace
. #841 - New attributes
is added to@CacheNamespaceRef
. #842 - Support the mechanism for initializing a cache after set all properties. #816
- Allow users to set default value in placeholders. #852
- Auto-detecting type handlers newly added in version 1.0.2 of TypeHandlers-JSR310. #727 #878
Although it may be rare, the following changes could affect existing solutions.
- The default value of aggressiveLazyLoading is changed to
. #825 - Raise a exception when keyProperty is not found. #782
Follow this link to see the full list of changes.