Myanmar Open Wordnet (MOW) is a freely-available semantic dictionary of the Myanmar/Burmese language. It is inspired by the Princeton Wordnet and the Global WordNet Grid, and is part of the Open Multilingual Wordnet.
Visit the official MOW website ( for more information.
As an open wordnet, it is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
This is the official repository for Myanmar Open Wordnet (MOW). At present, it's just a convenient place to download releases, which are tab-separated files (.tab format). The .tab files are named as such: mow-<version>-mya_<datetime:yyyymmddhhmmss>.tab
(At present there is only one release. In future, the latest release will be in the top directory, while older releases will be kept in the "Previous Releases" folder)