Since I am using the free version , please give a couple of minutes to start
Admins can add dishes to the menu
Admin can update and delete dishes
Admins can make dish appear for the users
Users can view to most liked dishes
Users can vote for favorite dish
See the ingredients of certain dish
See allergens of certain dish
first you need to make sure you have node install in your terminal type
node --version
Install the dependencies
npm install
start the application
npm start
Login credentials email: password:example
The homepage is the place where we show our most wanted dishes which are essentially the top 3 most liked (voted) dishes. And all of our public dishes.
In the menu page we can see each dish withing their category in a nice way. With the price and ingredients if any.
The details page presents more information such as allergies that the dish may contain and the total votes it has. This is the page where the user can vote for a dish as well. We also have the ingredients and the description.
The about us page is a just simple page with placeholder information. About what we provide and who we are.
The login page consist of warning message saying that this page is for staff only and if you are staff , but do not have account you should just contact the manager.The part of the page is the form basic email field and password field with login button.
The admin page is a simple dashboard having the title category description price and whether is public or not for each dish. As well as edit and delete button. And of course button to add new dish.
This page have centered form with all the fields needed in order to create new dish. The most interesting part is how we handle adding ingredients and allergies. I wanted to make it easier for everything trying to add new dish so every ingredient is separated by ", " (comma and whitespace.
The for is exactly the same with the only difference being that every field is pre-populated with the information from the existing model.
Name | Usage | Link |
Tailwind css | Styling - CSS framework | Tailwind |
Google fonts | Fast font provider | Google fonts |
Hero icons | Svg icons | Hero icons |
Unsplash | Stock images | Unsplash |