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myOmikron committed Jul 31, 2023
1 parent a1ed18e commit d6202e0
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Showing 3 changed files with 252 additions and 286 deletions.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions kraken_frontend/src/svg/login_logo.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
import React from "react";

export default function LoginLogoIcon() {
return (
className="neon cyber-login"
shapeRendering: "geometricPrecision",
textRendering: "geometricPrecision",
imageRendering: "auto",
fillRule: "evenodd",
clipRule: "evenodd",
viewBox="0 0 335 335"
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stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 7.46057,
strokeDasharray: ".518759 161.593562",
d="M168 76v214"
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d="M193 168c0-14-11-25-25-25s-25 11-25 25 11 25 25 25 25-11 25-25z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 0.678234,
strokeDasharray: ".648449 1.815658",
d="M200 168c0 17-15 32-32 32-18 0-32-15-32-32 0-18 14-32 32-32 17 0 32 14 32 32z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 6.55632,
strokeDasharray: "88.976773 88.976773",
d="M206 168c0-21-17-39-38-39s-39 18-39 39 18 38 39 38 38-17 38-38z"
stroke: "#000",
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d="M218 168h-7c0-24-20-43-43-43v-7c27 0 50 22 50 50zM118 168h7c0 23 19 43 43 43v7c-28 0-50-23-50-50z"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M218 168h-7M211 168c0-24-20-43-43-43M168 125v-7"
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d="M221 168c0 29-24 53-53 53-30 0-54-24-54-53 0-30 24-54 54-54 29 0 53 24 53 54z"
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d="M168 105c-3 0-6 1-9 1M159 106l-1 6M158 112c3-1 7-1 10-1 2 0 5 0 7 1M175 112l3-6M178 106c-4 0-7-1-10-1M146 109c-2 1-5 2-7 4M139 113l1 5M140 118c3-1 5-2 8-4 3 0 5-1 7-2M155 112l1-5M156 107c-3 0-6 1-10 2M128 120l-6 6M122 126l3 5M125 131c2-2 4-5 6-7 2-1 4-3 6-4M137 120l-1-6M136 114c-3 2-6 4-8 6M114 137c-2 2-3 5-4 7M110 144l5 4M115 148c1-3 2-6 4-9 1-2 2-4 4-6M123 133l-4-5M119 128c-2 3-3 6-5 9M106 157v8M106 165l5 2M111 167c0-3 0-6 1-9 0-3 1-5 2-7M114 151l-5-4M109 147c-1 3-2 7-3 10M106 179c1 2 2 5 2 8M108 187h6M114 187c-1-3-2-6-2-9s-1-5-1-8M111 170l-6-1M105 169c1 3 1 6 1 10M114 199c1 2 3 5 5 7M119 206l5-2M124 204c-2-3-4-5-5-8-2-2-3-4-4-6M115 190h-5M110 190c1 3 2 6 4 9M128 215c2 2 4 4 7 5M135 220l4-3M139 217c-3-2-5-4-8-6-2-1-3-3-5-5M126 206l-5 2M121 208c2 3 4 5 7 7M146 226l9 3M155 229l2-6M157 223c-3 0-6-1-9-2l-6-3M142 218l-5 4M137 222c3 2 6 3 9 4M168 230c3 0 5 0 8-1M176 229l1-5M177 224h-17M160 224l-2 5M158 229c3 1 6 1 10 1M189 226c3-1 5-2 8-3M197 223l-1-6M196 217c-3 2-6 3-9 4-2 1-5 2-7 2M180 223l-1 6M179 229c4-1 7-2 10-3M208 215c2-1 4-3 6-5M214 210l-3-5M211 205c-2 2-4 4-7 6-2 2-4 3-6 5M198 216l2 5M200 221c2-1 5-3 8-6M222 199c1-3 2-5 3-8M225 191l-4-3M221 188c-1 3-3 5-4 8-1 2-3 4-4 6M213 202l3 5M216 207c2-2 4-5 6-8M229 179c1-3 1-6 1-9M230 170l-6-2M224 168v10c-1 2-1 4-2 7M222 185l5 3M227 188c1-3 1-6 2-9M229 157c0-3-1-6-2-8M227 149h-6M221 149l3 9v7M224 165l6 2M230 167c0-3 0-7-1-10M222 137c-2-3-3-5-5-7M217 130l-5 2M212 132c1 2 3 5 5 7 1 3 2 5 3 7M220 146h6M226 146c-1-3-3-6-4-9M208 120c-2-2-5-3-7-5M201 115l-4 4M197 119c2 1 5 3 7 5l5 5M209 129l6-2M215 127l-7-7M189 109c-3-1-5-1-8-2M181 107l-3 5M178 112c3 1 6 1 9 2 2 1 5 2 7 3M194 117l4-4M198 113c-3-1-6-3-9-4"
d="M237 168c0 38-31 69-69 69-39 0-70-31-70-69 0-39 31-70 70-70 38 0 69 31 69 70z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 6.55632,
strokeDasharray: ".648449 1.167209",
d="M249 168c0-45-36-82-81-82s-82 37-82 82 37 81 82 81 81-36 81-81z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 0.113011,
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str8"
d="M168 79c49 0 89 40 89 89M168 257c-49 0-89-40-89-89"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M259 168h-5M254 168c0-48-39-87-86-87M168 81v-5"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M168 76c12 0 24 2 35 7s21 11 30 20c8 8 15 18 19 29 5 11 7 23 7 36M168 259c-13 0-25-2-36-7-11-4-21-11-29-19-9-9-15-19-20-30s-7-23-7-35M76 168h5"
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stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 1.80868,
strokeDasharray: ".648449 6.614183",
d="M267 168c0 54-45 99-99 99-55 0-99-45-99-99 0-55 44-99 99-99 54 0 99 44 99 99z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 0.226021,
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d="M271 168c0 57-46 103-103 103S65 225 65 168 111 65 168 65s103 46 103 103z"
stroke: "#000",
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d="M281 168c0-63-50-114-113-114S54 105 54 168s51 113 114 113 113-50 113-113z"
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d="M168 286c-16 0-32-3-46-9s-27-15-38-25c-11-11-19-24-25-38-7-15-10-30-10-46s3-32 10-46c6-14 14-27 25-38s24-19 38-25c14-7 30-10 46-10s31 3 46 10c14 6 27 14 38 25 10 11 19 24 25 38s9 30 9 46-3 31-9 46c-6 14-15 27-25 38-11 10-24 19-38 25-15 6-30 9-46 9z"
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d="M168 59c-60 0-109 49-109 109s49 109 109 109 109-49 109-109S228 59 168 59z"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M288 168c0-67-54-121-120-121-67 0-121 54-121 121 0 66 54 120 121 120 66 0 120-54 120-120z"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M189 49c-7-2-14-2-21-2-8 0-15 0-22 2M127 54c-7 2-13 5-20 9-6 4-12 8-18 13M75 89l-12 18c-4 7-7 14-9 20M49 146c-2 7-2 14-2 22 0 7 0 15 2 22M54 209c2 6 5 13 9 19 4 7 8 13 13 18M89 260c6 5 12 9 18 13 7 3 14 6 20 9M146 287c7 1 14 2 22 2 7 0 15-1 22-2M209 282c6-3 13-6 19-9 7-4 13-9 18-13M260 246c5-5 9-11 13-18 3-6 6-13 9-20M287 189c1-7 2-14 2-21 0-8-1-15-2-22M282 127c-3-7-6-13-9-20-4-6-9-12-13-18M246 75c-5-4-11-8-18-12-6-4-13-7-20-9"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M190 48c-8-1-15-2-22-2-8 0-15 1-23 2M127 53c-7 3-14 6-20 9-7 4-13 9-18 13M75 89c-5 6-9 12-13 18-3 7-6 13-9 20M48 146c-1 7-2 14-2 22 0 7 1 15 2 22M53 209c3 6 6 13 9 20 4 6 9 12 13 18M89 260c6 5 12 9 18 13 7 4 13 7 20 9M146 287c7 2 14 2 22 2 7 0 15 0 22-2M209 282c6-2 13-5 20-9 6-4 12-8 18-13M260 246c5-5 9-11 13-17 4-7 7-14 9-21M287 190c2-8 2-15 2-22 0-8 0-15-2-23M282 127c-2-7-5-14-9-20-4-7-8-13-13-18M246 75c-5-5-11-9-17-13l-21-9"
d="M296 168c0-71-57-128-128-128S40 97 40 168s57 128 128 128 128-57 128-128z"
stroke: "#000",
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d="M302 168c0 74-60 134-134 134-75 0-135-60-135-134C33 93 93 33 168 33c74 0 134 60 134 135z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 3.39117,
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M168 304c-19 0-36-4-53-11-16-7-31-16-44-29-12-12-22-27-29-43-7-17-10-35-10-53 0-19 3-36 10-53 7-16 17-31 29-44 13-12 28-22 44-29 17-7 34-10 53-10 18 0 36 3 53 10 16 7 31 17 43 29 13 13 22 28 29 44 7 17 11 34 11 53 0 18-4 36-11 53-7 16-16 31-29 43-12 13-27 22-43 29-17 7-35 11-53 11z"
className="CyberEl14_svg__fil0 CyberEl14_svg__str5"
d="M168 35C95 35 35 95 35 168s60 133 133 133 133-60 133-133S241 35 168 35z"
d="M307 168c0-77-62-140-139-140S28 91 28 168s63 139 140 139 139-62 139-139z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 11.53,
strokeDasharray: ".648449 96.359564",
d="M320 168c0 84-68 152-152 152-85 0-153-68-153-152C15 83 83 15 168 15c84 0 152 68 152 153z"
stroke: "#000",
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d="M324 168c0-86-70-156-156-156S12 82 12 168s70 156 156 156 156-70 156-156z"
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 7.00836,
strokeDasharray: ".648449 161.852942",
d="M333 168C333 76 259 2 168 2 76 2 2 76 2 168c0 91 74 165 166 165 91 0 165-74 165-165z"
stroke: "#000",
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strokeLinecap: "round",
strokeLinejoin: "round",

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