Flask-React is the missing batteries included full stack Single Page App (SPA) meta-framework for Python and JavaScript based on the Flask and React libraries. It's currently just a list of packages.
Component | Library |
Web framework | Flask |
HTTP authentication | Flask-HTTPAuth |
User session management | Flask-Login |
Email support | Flask-Mail |
Forms | Flask-WTF |
REST API generator | Flask-Restless |
Object relational mapper | SQLAlchemy |
Access control | SQLAlchemy-Privileges |
Data denormalization | SQLAlchemy-Utils |
File and image storage | SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach |
Full-text search | SQLAlchemy-Searchable (PostgreSQL), SQLAlchemy-FullTextSearch (MySQL) |
Spatial database extension | GeoAlchemy2 |
Migrations | Alembic, Flask-Migrate |
Localization and display | Flask-BabelPlus, Flask-Humanize |
Cache | Flask-Caching |
Static pages | Flask-FlatPages |
Admin | Flask-Admin |
Socket.io server | Flask-SocketIO |
Environment management | Python-Dotenv |
Task runner | Celery, Flower |
Web server | gunicorn |
Component | Library |
Views | React |
Form validation | Formik |
Router | React Router v3, react-router-named-routes |
Models | Backbone, Backbone-relational, backbone.trackit, backbone.iobind |
Data loading | React JSON API |
Document head manager | React Helmet |
CSS modules | babel-plugin-react-css-modules |
Styled UI components | React Bootstrap, Material UI |
Testing | Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Enzyme |
ES6 transpiler | Babel |
Module bundler | Rollup |
Server-side rendering | Node.js |